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  1. H

    Reviewed Wrong punishment | Shay Pluxury

    I used to collect debt without saying anything and for that I used to get jail only but today I got warning with jail
  2. H

    Approved VDM | 237117

    all in pov
  3. H

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 213185

    They were baiting people to come out and abusing greenzone even red zone was not there but they killed there
  4. H

    Approved CL | 222800

    all in pov
  5. H

    Approved CL | 247774

    All in pov
  6. H

    Approved VDM | 256717

    All in pov
  7. H

    Rejected CL | 174142

    I didn't get mercy killed I just went to the hospital when my timer finished
  8. H

    Rejected CL | 174142

    I went to hospital what do u mean
  9. H

    Approved VDM I 249541

    all in pov
  10. H

    Rejected UB DEMANDS AND RDM | 259208 , 222562

    I am not in his pov why would I need to show mine
  11. H

    Rejected UB DEMANDS AND RDM | 259208 , 222562

    it doesn't look like full
  12. H

    Rejected UB DEMANDS AND RDM | 259208 , 222562

    show ur full pov
  13. H

    Approved CR | 241345

    Once I got out of GZ with my truck he starts ramming me and tried to kill me
  14. H

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 80253,213185

    I was there patching my friend and these both guys 80253 and 213185 mercy killed my friend and they killed me in unscripted green zone they killed my friend as well both of em should get punished for MK and GZ 1.1
  15. H

    Approved BUG ABUSE || 174142 , 145273

    Everyone can stand on most of the trucks in game it ain't no bug
  16. H

    Approved BUG ABUSE || 174142 , 145273

    here is my pov
  17. H

    Approved BUG ABUSE || 174142 , 145273

    We were standing on top of the front engine of the truck and we shoot u through the glass what kind of bug abuse we did?
  18. H

    Rejected VDM | 124539

    Video shows all
  19. H

    Approved RDM | 145273, 174142

    Your friend killed my friend without any demands and we wanted to collect your debt you kept getting in car we gave u warning and we killed u then u combat logged
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