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  1. R

    Rejected Permanent Ban | Alex Odd & James Pluxury

    At :18 you edited video to skip a kill you got why? Was it too suspect? At 1:50 you start juicing knowing the guy is going away then start aiming your crosshair where he would be to prefire him why? You are uploading cheating pov to try to appeal a cheats ban? Also somehow you only have 14k...
  2. R

    Reviewed Cheats | 150669

    Just because you look up to Santana like you do allah doesn't mean I do, pretty sure you both need to be more worried about getting clean water supply before a girlfriend. Now stop practicing your english on my forums post and go elsewhere.
  3. R

    Reviewed Cheats | 150669

    Go find any evidence of me being banned for cheats. I've never been banned for cheats, just changed my name ingame and went on a vacation. I'm on currently as we speak. You guys made up a rumor I got banned because I haven't been online...? Stop spreading shit or maybe your english isnt the best...
  4. R

    Reviewed Cheats | 150669

    No problem, i was on vacation irl touring your country taking pisses on sidewalks with the locals and shits on buckets for the soup you eat.
  5. R

    Reviewed Cheats | 150669

    He got banned on his main 150669 for not having pov correct but on his twink he got banned for a failed pc check. Thread proves this and he needs his main banned now
  6. R

    Reviewed Cheats | 150669

    Heard they were asking where i'm at, im right here snitching. Id 150669 got banned for no pov, goes on a twink id 279989 and fails a pc check for cheats and is now back on his main..? Shouldn't his main be banned too? here is the thread he got banned in Reviewed - Pov Request ID: 279989 for...
  7. R

    Approved Event Rule 1.2 | No Limit Family

    so you upload an unedited video then you edit a voice over to try to deceive?
  8. R

    Approved Event Rule 1.2 | No Limit Family

    You are hiding your microphone audio but youre not slick. You literally came up to me and called me the "n word" please do not hide your microphone audio in your clips this is admin deceiving and you will get banned for it.
  9. R

    Reviewed POV REQ | ID 289171

    Incase admins missed it, here is my pov! pov2
  10. R

    Rejected close report

    Evidence is cropped or edited (must be 1 minute+(exceptions might be, when you can understand the whole situation for less than 1 min)); Don't upload cropped evidence
  11. R

    Rejected close report

    Admins please look into this cropped evidence as he didn't include his audio from his mic when he spit on me. You see him holding his mic and its not getting picked up. But you hear me telling him "whatd i tell you about spitting on me" after he spit on me and killed him
  12. R

    Rejected close report

    Nice self report, you will get banned for spitting on me and provoking before an event and i'll get a warning. Told you not to spit on me as you kept doing it before your video
  13. R

    Reviewed Pov Request ID: 290056

    I would like to see your entire forums accounts historys and why they keep on getting banned and why you are ban evading on forums? https://gta5grand.com/forum/members/27870/ and your other account ismael martinez. Please follow the rules and stop making new forums accounts ban evader Admins...
  14. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    You guys need to stop this off topic on my post.
  15. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    What "hacks"? Me getting shot and trying to figure out where? lmao. please stop the off topic.
  16. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    Admins need to pc check your family... Verde....Santana.... Anyone else?
  17. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    So you called me a cheater then proceeded to say im not even a good player, again please stop the off topic and post pov.
  18. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    get to posting pov stop the off-topic i don't care for the back and forth
  19. R

    Rejected Close solved.

    Close don't feel like waiting 2 days then he says he has no pov.
  20. R

    Rejected CLOSE

    you posted a pov of you half hp? Why is that? Could you post full pov of when we fully interacted because in my pov you can clearly see me shooting you twice lol, no idea why you decided to show only half pov. pov
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