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Search results

  1. R

    Rejected cl - kaptan rage

    my power fel out it heppond multebol times todat and this is one of the times it heppond i did have pov becouse of the power loss if cut of i compleatly acsept the punnishment as i respect you can't do anything whitout pov however i ask for reconsidder as this is my first big punnishment and i...
  2. R

    Rejected got demorgn for someting that i cant control

    pls close i did in corect format
  3. R

    Rejected got demorgn for someting that i cant control

    hi im player 23501 and i got sendet to demorgon for cl by Kaptan Rage i cant control cl becouse of my power going out i got my body cam hire ( ) and i wanna cet them send to demorgon for non rp and mas vdm. them getting the punnishment isnt needed but im just letting you know about it i hope...
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