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Search results

  1. Ressam Armis

    Rejected John Lark / warn appeal

    Approved - 222048 parent insult, RDM The recording, from someone else's eyes, comes in less than 15 minutes and hits us again by swearing at the family. provocaiton us. He shows the events wrong against you by taking a short image. He is issuing a statement intended to deceive you. In the...
  2. Ressam Armis

    Rejected John Lark / warn appeal

    In this video, my family was cursed except occ. I want the pov to be long. We give such a response as a result of this event. I want the long version of the pov please let the turkish admin look
  3. Ressam Armis

    Approved RDM | 131097

    Chech Pov
  4. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fear rp

    fear rp
  5. Ressam Armis

    Rejected Fear Rp

    All vagos gangs members
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