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Search results

  1. Don King

    Reviewed Pov Request | ID : 0000

    all in pov
  2. Don King

    Reviewed pov req | 106356

    I don't care
  3. Don King

    Reviewed Wrong Decision | Chris Mazoku

    Hello dear lebron This guy opened a forum about me but in his POV that he is shooting though the wall while peeking with "h"it is so open that he dont show him self and shot though the wall and kills me this is bug abuse.
  4. Don King

    Reviewed pov req | 106356

    This guy opened a forum about me but in his POV that he is shooting though the wall while peeking with "h" it is so open that he dont show him self and shot though the wall and kills me.
  5. Don King

    Reviewed pov req | 106356

    he is shooting me through the container this is bug abuse
  6. Don King

    Approved gen rule 1.3 | 59208

    he came to me and said u want to exchange bugatti for adidas pant and i asked him if it was for mens or womens and he said to me it was for men and when he tryed to give me adidas it was for womens then he chnaged what he writed to me in discord and typed it for womens.
  7. Don King

    Rejected pov req I 9232

    all in pov
  8. Don King

    Rejected General Rules 1.8 | Lebron Pluxury+ Arthur Mack

    Hello, moderator, my account was banned about a two years ago, and I haven't done anything wrong since that time. Can you help me and remove this ban? I'm ready to bear anything you want. Thank you.
  9. Don King

    Reviewed pov req | 106356

    all in pov
  10. Don King

    Approved POV Request | 45524

  11. Don King

    Approved pg | gen3.2 | gen3.1 | cr | rdm |1370|89561|6099

    he insulted us in arabic at 0:37
  12. Don King

    Rejected Wrong decision | percy killa

    in the first i got warning for rdm but he was punching me multi times and i telled him in arbic to stop or i will kill him but he didnt stop so i killed him and he didnt get punching for punching without any reason
  13. Don King

    Rejected warn| percy killa

    in the first i got warning for rdm but he was punching me multi times and i telled him in arbic to stop or i will kill him but he didnt stop so i killed him
  14. Don King

    Rejected cheat│6107

    all in pov
  15. Don King

    Approved rdm | 45524

  16. Don King

    Rejected GZ 1.3│6107

  17. Don King

    Approved GZ 1.3 │6107

    all in pov
  18. Don King

    Rejected GZ 1.3│6107

    all in pov
  19. Don King

    Approved GZ 1.1 | 14196

    all in pov
  20. Don King

    Reviewed Pov req I 6099

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