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Search results

  1. M

    Approved MG - 41893 | MK - 44321

    Hi, I'm Mani. I am sending you a POV. Please check it. Meta Gaming by Id: 41893 and Mercy Killing by Id: 44321. While you check the POV you can understand what happened while we are in duty. Please check clearly entire video up to 4:38 mins. Thank you.
  2. M

    Approved Unban appeal Gen Rule 1.8 | Ani Pluxury

    Hi Sir, I’m Mani. My account Id: 104693 recently banned for 60days. Actually I’m new to this city and learning lot in this game and rules. Please forgive me for this time. I will never repeat it again. Till now I play with respect and neat game. I just joined few days back and you can know how...
  3. M

    Rejected Unban Appeal - Ani Pluxury

    Hi Sir, I’m Mani. My account Id: 104693 recently banned for 60days. Actually I’m new to this city and learning lot in this game and rules. Please forgive me this time. I will never repeat it and never do another account. Till now I play with respect and neat game. I just joined few days back and...
  4. M

    Rejected Unban Appeal - Ani Pluxury

    Hi! I'm new to the city. I got banned in the city. I don't know about these things. Please forgive me for this time. I won't repeat again. U can see my main acc id: 104693. I just came to city few days back. Please forgive me and unban my main account Id: 104693.
  5. M

    Approved 32842 abusing EMS employee while in ambulance

    Abusing EMS employee while on duty in ambulance.
  6. M

    Rejected 27776 ramming car on me and citizens

    He ramming cars on people
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