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Search results

  1. Biggie Richard

    Rejected Leader of San Andreas Highway Patrol

    Chased me down with a helicopter when I fled on a scooter... 10/10 would get tazed by jimmy again!
  2. Biggie Richard

    Rejected Warn for 6.7 | Gipsy Yakuza

    G'day, Richard Big here (7176). I received a warning for "6.7 If you got killed you cannot go back in a fight for 15 minutes." I was killed outside of the ghetto without receiving demands/5 seconds to comply. I returned to get my car, as I thought I had been improperly killed under "6.15...
  3. Biggie Richard

    Approved GEN 3.2 | ID 4170

    Swore at me and insulted my mother, after running me over with his car in GZ.
  4. Biggie Richard

    Approved Fail RP | ID 13805

    Player ID 13805 Was caught trespassing by my colleague (ID 9392). After being escorted out of Gov building, the player appears to have intentionally disconnected to avoid RP/imprisonment. Luckily, I was recording my shift and got it on camera. I can provide a longer excerpt if requested, or...
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