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  1. A

    Rejected wrong punishment

    I was fined for leaving the game. I object to this. as you can see at the end of the video i am not doing anything and my internet is disconnecting
  2. A

    Approved rdm|99277

    my pov time is this long because another car was hitting us all the time and that's why i opened pov. but I died when bullets hit me from an unknown place
  3. A

    Rejected vdm|42652

    You have to go slow on that road
  4. A

    Rejected vdm|42652

    it could have been a mistake for you to hit me but you tried to do it a second time but you didn't hit me and you hit other people you shouldn't do this
  5. A

    Approved GR 1.3 | ID 90645

    i fixed it
  6. A

    Approved GR 1.3 | ID 90645

    I was trading with the man, I told the terms to the person I spoke to, and he agreed, but then he lied and deceived me by saying that when he was going to give me money, I did not give money and followed all our agreements. I HEREBY REQUEST YOU TO TAKE THE NECESSARY ACTION
  7. A

    Approved rdm|99277

    All in pov
  8. A

    Rejected vdm|42652

    All in pov
  9. A

    Rejected wrong punishment

    I didn't run there, I drove straight and if I didn't drive properly and didn't fly the car I would be breaking the no rp driving rule.
  10. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 87304

    sorry i fixt it
  11. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 87304

  12. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 87304

    All in pov
  13. A

    Rejected GR 4.1 | 88997

    what is the white glowing think on 0:00
  14. A

    Rejected illegal redux:88997

    all in pov
  15. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 88081

    Look, the video duration doesn't matter, the man has a shot angle in the green zone.
  16. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 88081

    this is green zone, it's forbidden to shoot me there and still nothing is done here!
  17. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 88081

    i fixed it
  18. A

    Approved GR 6.15 | 88081

    he shots me without warning
  19. A

    Approved Scam | 69647

    do you have proof
  20. A

    Approved RDM id:102175

    All in pov
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