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  1. D

    Reviewed Rdm | 99274

    As seen in the pov, they trolled us, shot us with a sniper from the mountain, came and killed us all, and also came and made fun of us after we died.
  2. D

    Approved Ban for Gen Rule 6.3 | Pablo Schmidt

    hi, you didn't know that the gun bought from warehouse was the reason for the ban, sorry about that, i found out 10 days later that i got banned, it's been 15 days in total today i'm offering a discount or money wipe thank you
  3. D

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.3 | Pablo Schmidt

    I just realized today i got banned for Gen rule 6.3 and i dont know why, i didnt empty any warehouse so please tell me why i got banned?? I think its a mistake please check And money wipe ?
  4. D

    Rejected Ban for Gen Rule 6.3 | Pablo Schmidt

    Bugün Gen kuralı 6.3 nedeniyle yasaklandığımı fark ettim ve nedenini bilmiyorum, herhangi bir depoyu boşaltmadım bu yüzden lütfen bana neden yasaklandığımı söyler misiniz? Bence bir hata lütfen kontrol edin
  5. D

    Approved gr3.1 + OOC | 99277

    We pulled "leave" and started to fight, I died in the fight, the player with id 99277 insulted me in Turkish (OOC) and punched me on the ground while I was dead proof
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