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  1. CarlWhite

    Rejected Unban appeal ID 9396 Gen 6.3

    I opened one forum by mistake on EN1 Alex odd moved the forum to EN3
  2. CarlWhite

    Rejected Unban appeal ID 9396 Gen 6.3

    can you close this thread ? i hade a mistake by post it on EN1 category
  3. CarlWhite

    Rejected Unban appeal ID 9396 Gen 6.3

    Hi here im again i tried before allot of times to appeal on my ban i got my ban in end of 2022 and were almost at 2025. Meanwhile i was playing on EN1 learning about roleplay and ruls i learned from my mistake about my rule brake and i appologise deeply and hope you would forgive me about my...
  4. CarlWhite

    Rejected Unban appeal ID 9396 Gen 6.3

    Hi here im again i tried before allot of times to appeal on my ban i got my ban in end of 2022 and were almost at 2025. Meanwhile i was playing on EN1 learning about roleplay and ruls i learned from my mistake about my rule brake and i appologise deeply and hope you would forgive me about my...
  5. CarlWhite

    Rejected Ban for Gen 6.3 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    i know that you reject my forum a few times but i really want to play on the server especially now in these times that as you know Israel is under attack and I want to spend the time having fun with friends on the server I ask you to take the ban off me I have learned my punishment and I will...
  6. CarlWhite

    Rejected Fail RP | 45885

    bro he chased you and shoot you, you cant run out the getto you did fail RP brother
  7. CarlWhite

    Rejected Ban for Gen 6.3 | Notix haze

    You were right, i did sold some goods at the black market and maybe some of those things were FIB guns but if you will check the logs you can see that i had those things in my back car trunk i dont remember what car was is but those goods were WAY before i joined the FIB. And if you can also...
  8. CarlWhite

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Alex Odd

    Yarin is really good guy it was unlucky situation for him he can’t scam people.
  9. CarlWhite

    Rejected Ban for Gen 6.3 | Floki_Vilgeroarson

    i got ban last almosrt 2 year for rule gen6.3 and i learn for it and after almost a year i know the rules i know what to do and what not. in this year i played on EN 1 and i didnt got ban or something like that so i so appreciate if you will removed my ban i really want to play on this EN3 pls...
  10. CarlWhite

    Approved OOC insult | 31596

    you want to cancel the forum ?
  11. CarlWhite

    Approved OOC insult | 31596

    the guy is my friend and im from israel and speaking hebrew. what he was saying that he was jocking about " i want to hit on her so dont say anyone about it i will kill you" that was only for joke and the part of "ooc insult" isnt real
  12. CarlWhite

    Approved OOC insult | 31596

    if you want you know you need to bring a israeli admin or someone knows hebrow right ?
  13. CarlWhite

    Rejected GR 6.3 | Notix Haze

    I got banned for " GR 6.3 " but i wasnt taking stuff for personal reasons or at all, yes i was taking ma ybe one or two weapons but i returned it! Even when i asked "donna hill" which is the assistant director he didnt knew about it. My point is that i didnt take any stuff for personal reasons...
  14. CarlWhite

    Approved Leader of FIB | Ruby Hill

    ruby i wish you will get the job you are so good in the LEO org we love you wish i will see you soon my leader
  15. CarlWhite

    Rejected Appeal regarding allegations of Al FearRP

    bro did you drop a local really and you cant put this title
  16. CarlWhite

    Rejected 9396 | Floki Vilgeroarson

    i got banned last year for rule break gen 6.3 and after a year i played on EN1 and got to know the rules better and i learned from my past mistakes and learn what i can and cant do,
  17. CarlWhite

    Rejected ban appeal | 43383

    i got banned last year for rule break gen 6.3 and after a year i played on EN1 and got to know the rules better and i learned from my past mistakes and learn what i can and cant do,
  18. CarlWhite

    Rejected Forum ban player id: 105851 (forum name: F!otzy)

    my friend got ban for rule brake. we think that he got perm ban from forum and we dont know what rule.
  19. CarlWhite

    Rejected ID 105851 forum ban

    my friend his name in forum is F!otzy got banned for rolus violations almost 2 weeks ago and the forum doesnt tell hem how much left for the ban
  20. CarlWhite

    Approved RDM | ID:257739

    the man with the id 257739 saw me id 43383 and my friend id 105851 and i dont know why he start to shot us and try to kill us some admin just saw it on spec and he said report on forum ok im here know i want this man in warn
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