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  1. John Tabutson

    Reviewed close

    I forgot to open my bodycam when I entered the event because revolver king event has limited capacity so I was in a hurry to join
  2. John Tabutson

    Reviewed close

    Damn, what’s suspicious in your pov? You are being killed in 2 shots along with some missed bullets.
  3. John Tabutson

    Rejected RDM | 73889

    I had 5 seconds to leave not to shoot dude. I got right to shoot as soon as you gave the demand
  4. John Tabutson

    Rejected RDM | 73889

    You gave the demand, so I have the right not to comply and shoot you
  5. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 96752

    All in POV
  6. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 112030, 81148, 112217; UB Demand | 112130

    All in POV. While I was chilling in my fam house, I heard shots therefore I walked around to figure out the situation, (who is shooting, whose ridiculous demand to whom was that and etc. at that time I was murdered.
  7. John Tabutson

    Reviewed Pov request | ID: 0000

    shooting through an object. It used to be considered as bug abuse before, I don't know if it is still so. Therefore, I was asking.
  8. John Tabutson

    Reviewed Pov request | ID: 0000

    bug abuse?
  9. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 102379

    When I arrived at the gate of our house, I was shot without any demand. Then I drove that place shown in the video (3-4 meters away the gate) to stay away from the shoutout and healed myself, at that time I was killed. This family attacked our house with no reason and shot our members without...
  10. John Tabutson

    Approved Ghetto rule 1.12 | 87753

    who says I should have run? the demand was not like run for life or run the way down etc. By giving this particular demand you make the player leave the area. I came by car, therefore I was leaving with the car.
  11. John Tabutson

    Approved Ghetto rule 1.12 | 87753

    All in pov. I came there cuz fam called us to gather in fam house, and this is the situation I have faced with. Eventually, I was killed even though I complied with the demand.
  12. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 80419

    Dear Sahil West, I checked and can say that I don't have a longer version. But if you rely on my words the situation is as same as shown in the video. Player came and killed us without saying a word. no demands or anything. P..S it is the front of our family house, me and my friend was...
  13. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 80419

    All in POV
  14. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM | 56453

    All in POV. I have a full version as well. rdm after raid
  15. John Tabutson

    Rejected RDM | 106280

    All in POV. He is also annoying for which I have extended version of this POV.
  16. John Tabutson

    Approved VDM I id: 80204

    All in POV. (In front of our fam house)
  17. John Tabutson

    Rejected VDM id: 76007 RDM id: 76007, 77880

    I forgot to turn the mic recording on. And why you can't conclude? If you think there might be a possibility of any kind of swearing, request their POV, and even if I did a swearing (for instance! I say again, I didn't) they don't have the right to kill in that way. (My words were: ''do you want...
  18. John Tabutson

    Rejected VDM id: 76007 RDM id: 76007, 77880

    76007 started to say give money and punched so many times (if I hadn't eaten the meat, I was dead due to hits), then together with the other guy (77880) did a VDM and killed. I didn't do anything, and Admin watched the situation as well.
  19. John Tabutson

    Approved RDM 47519, 43775

    All in POV. Please note that, we were our family house 479. These players threw racist words like “We are an anti-Turk family”, it’s been days they disturb us.
  20. John Tabutson

    Rejected RDM 9117

    All in POV.
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