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  1. I

    Approved Sexual Harrasment | 58862

    Honetsly i m not friend of any one just saw this forum randomly they came only for insurance and rules say only parents abuse is not allowed all which was done was relative to u
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    Approved Metagaming | ID : 27776

    What about fear RP
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    Approved Metagaming | ID : 27776

    Dear Admin, As u can see in POV ID : 27776 after being revived called his Friends (metagaming) he just managed to buy some time to tell his friends when we was unconciouss and he was id 27776 this means he was an old player so he definitely knew about g muscle Because after his friends r here he...
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    Approved GEN rule 6.15 | ID : 64782

    6 Hours have passed and no response pls take the actions
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    Approved GEN rule 6.15 | ID : 64782

    if u read the forum u can see that i wrote u just said 4 and not give the proper warning of 5 sec like if i say 5 and start to shoot although u skiped 5 secs and if u see a stop watch the diff of time fromwhere u said 4 to when u shot is 2.4 sec this means even if u were speaking u didnt...
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    Approved GEN rule 6.15 | ID : 64782

    As you can see in my POV this guy without giving demands shot me he just said 4 and shoots me but he was supposed to say 5,4,3,2,1 and then shoot me, he violated GEN RULE 6.15 which states When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and...
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    Rejected Event rule 1.2 | Babu Pluxury

    I hope all of the respected admins are doing great and I wont be wasting there precious Time. As you can see in my POV a cop stopped me when I was going to battleship( a gang event) and took me under arrest whereas you are allowed to take guns in that event from warehouse of gang and other than...
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    Rejected Event Rule 1.2 | ID : 13455

    I hope all of the respected admins are doing great and I wont be wasting there precious Time. As you can see in my POV a cop stopped me when I was going to battleship( a gang event) and took me under arrest whereas you are allowed to take guns in that event from warehouse of gang and other than...
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    Approved Visiting HQ Thread 287515 | Senpai Pluxury

    Hope you are having a great day, as you can see in the thread Approved - Ghetto Rule 1.6 | 61775 I was issued a warn for breaking 1.6 Ghetto rule which states that if a gang member gets chased by cops/gangs, he cannot get back to his HQ for 5 minutes | WARN It says the word "get back to his...
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    Rejected /threads/287515/ warn appeal , admin : Senpai Pluxury

    Hope you are having a great day as you can see in the thread https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/287515/ I was issued a warn for breaking 1.6 Ghetto rule which states that If a gang member gets chased by cops/gangs, he cannot get back to his HQ for 5 minutes | WARN It says the word "get back...
  11. I

    Rejected warn appeal | Vinnu Vade

    hello I was arrested due to trespassing prison but during arrest my game crashed which can be seen in the recording and then when I relogged I got 1 hour demorgan which I passed for leaving game although I didn't left it on my own will, my game crashed and then got a warn so I humbly request all...
  12. I

    Rejected warn ,admin : Vinnu Wade

    its Vinnu Vade not Vinnu Wade
  13. I

    Rejected warn ,admin : Vinnu Wade

    hello I was arrested due to trespassing prison but during arrest my game crashed which can be seen in the recording and then when I relogged I got 1 hour demorgan which I passed for leaving game although I didn't left it on my own will, my game crashed and then got a warn so I humbly request all...
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    Rejected game crashed during an arrest

    hello i was arrested due to terrespasing prison but during arrest my game crashed wich can be seen in the recording and then when i relogged i got 1 hour demorgan which i passed for leaving game although i didnt left it on my own will my game crashed and then got a warn so i humbly reqguest all...
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    Reviewed game crashed during an arrest

    hello my game crashed during an arrest butwhen i reloged in i was demorgan due to leaving game and my demorgan time was increassed so kindly see proofs and give me vlid demorgan time (10 mins) because its unfair my game crashed so i couldnt do anything
  16. I

    Rejected Shooting for no reason , ID : 21221

    dear gods i m hoping that u will be having a great day today while debt collecting this guy without giving any warn or any demand just started shooting me even he was not in ghetto, when i wrote in chat i m debt collector he just started shooting me i hv uploaded the whole scenerio for better...
  17. I

    Approved VDM , ID : 90463

    hello dear administrator, on 1: 25 am pakistan standarad time Outside Ph when i was chiling suddenly got rammed buy a taxi driver i turn on POV and then again and agan he rammed me i even wrote in chat for him to stop but he didnt and took half of my health kindly do justice with me and he shall...
  18. I

    Reviewed vdm | id : 90463

    hello dear administrator, on 1: 25 am pakistan standarad time Outside Ph when i was chiling suddenly got rammed buy a taxi driver i turn on POV and then again and agan he rammed me i even wrote in chat for him to stop but he didnt and took half of my health kindly do justice with me and he shall...
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