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  1. ralphbooitus

    Rejected General rule 6.4 | Nick Rune

    I would like to ask for to review my case please, I have been awarded with an warning for rubbing on a highway with my corrupt Bio in witch it states that i can rob people, but unfortunately i just find out that it only works for ghetto. Just before i went with my family to the highway i have...
  2. ralphbooitus

    Rejected Ralph Boitusz | 28292 | GOV Corrupted Bio

    Name: Ralph Boitusz Age: 36 DOB: 20.02.1986 Nationality: Polish/Russian Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Place of Birth: Moscow Residence: Los Santos Parents: Both Deceased Height: 201 cm Weight: 109 kg Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blond Facial Hair Color: Brawn As a little kid Ralph was...
  3. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    And I'm sorry if i insulted you its just iam 40 year old so you see i call you guys kids sometimes no offense
  4. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Please leave this thread my dear.
  5. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Better you cant see him even being under a car xD
  6. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Please stay away from forums kid obv you here for fire not to solve or help anyone. On the POV clearly you see where he stood up from :/ as as well that we rammed the car out of his body :/
  7. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Please use common sens Ram
  8. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Just please use common sens
  9. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Watch the POV at 0:50 you can clearly see us ramming the car out. hahahah
  10. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    Btw i could post his POV as a proof that we rammed the car out xD wth is this guys xD
  11. ralphbooitus

    Rejected pg | 28292

    This situation was already reviewed and the guy who created the post got demorgan I don't need to provide anything because there is no rule break. Obv the game doesnt let you revive someone from under a car :/ This thread is just wast of time. On this POV there is no rule break at any point...
  12. ralphbooitus

    Approved VDM | 54870

    All in POV
  13. ralphbooitus

    Approved CR in GZ | 21315

    All in POV
  14. ralphbooitus

    Rejected MG | 40279

    OK thank you.
  15. ralphbooitus

    Rejected MG | 40279

    I just want him to be punished for talking while unconscious tho my pov was not recording at the time.
  16. ralphbooitus

    Rejected MG | 40279

    Dude was sending location to his friends and they came mercy killed him.
  17. ralphbooitus

    Approved VDM in GZ | 50835

    Tottaly random VDM.
  18. ralphbooitus

    Rejected Warn for FailRP | Poke Chan

    Hi to You all, I just received 170min jail and a warning for 7days for fail rp. I Do not have a proof to admit unfortunately, Just want it to paint the picture to how it happened and maybe convince You that that warning in my case is unnecessary. Long story short i was killed after my hands were...
  19. ralphbooitus

    Rejected Warning for Fail RP

    Hi to You all, I just received 170min jail and a warning for 7days for fail rp. I Do not have a proof to admit unfortunately, Just want it to paint the picture to how it happened and maybe convince You that that warning in my case is unnecessary. Long story short i was killed after my hands were...
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