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Search results

  1. Eve Ponch

    Reviewed Demorgan for Event Rule 1.3 | Iso Marine , Sahil Jack

    Sahil Jack Give me Wrong Info
  2. Eve Ponch

    Reviewed Demorgan for Event Rule 1.3 | Iso Marine , Sahil Jack

    Sahil Jack Tells me that Prison Family Event Only Can join Unoffical Family And Gang And Iso Marine Tell me Offical Family also can join Because of Sahil Jack i got wrong info and i got demorgan Sahil Jack proof What He telled Me -...
  3. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 | 97707

    God i dnt have Before Cause he Aim me Gun Then i Started Pov if you do not agree ask him for pov
  4. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 | 97707

    Sir You Can Be He killed Me For No Reason
  5. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Gen Rule 6.15 | 97707

    All In Pov | I dnt Wt he is Saying i gone to sell my item and He killed Me
  6. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Event Rule 1.18 | 2902

    this is pov and you can ask hassy god i talk with him but while we are talking that pov i dnt have that but i
  7. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Event Rule 1.18 | 2902

    yo hassy god told me that there is no acces of ladder or stair
  8. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Event Rule 1.18 | 2902

    All in pov | if you are seeing pov and video dnt open video in process
  9. Eve Ponch

    Approved Greenzone Rule 1.1 | 104005

    bro do not this again
  10. Eve Ponch

    Approved Greenzone Rule 1.1 | 104005

    all in pov sir and if he wanted to refill his car he can do in first time but in 2 time he hit the gas station
  11. Eve Ponch

    Approved Greenzone Rule 1.1 | 104005

    i go to refill my car tank but he killed in gas station
  12. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Jimmy Balenciaga

    i go to join Families Gang But in Hq This is no One So i come Out and i see these Guys are fighting and they involed me
  13. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Jimmy Balenciaga

    All in Pov
  14. Eve Ponch

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Jimmy Balenciaga

    All in Pov . i go Join Families Gang
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