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  1. Hernandez Castro

    Approved Fail RP / 92819

    But it's your fault, you pull the gun directly and this is the rdm, so I'll open a forum.
  2. Hernandez Castro

    Approved Fail RP / 92819

    I said it was just a joke but you're acting maliciously
  3. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected RDM | 92819

    Come on, go back and show us you're shooting , you are really a treacherous person
  4. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected RDM | 92819

    Show the rest of the video, I didn't hit you, I shot your car, you got down and answered me , You cut off the part where you shot at me, you show insufficient evidence, you deceive the authorities
  5. Hernandez Castro

    Approved RDM And MK | 6932 / 95348

    All in pov
  6. Hernandez Castro

    Approved RDM&FR || 81804,92819

    Demand is given in the we go every hour and a war is waged for the safe. As you can see from my point of view, I'm being warned and I'm shooting.
  7. Hernandez Castro

    Approved ER 1.1 | 6340

    At the prisoner event The person you see in the video is violating the Event 1.1 rule.
  8. Hernandez Castro

    Approved Bug Abuse | Tanish Carter | ban appeal

    Hello GOD ; First of all, I did not know that what I was doing was a violation of the rules, I certainly did not know about such a thing. I did not do this on purpose or on purpose, I see that this is a problem that can happen to any person and I request that the punishment be reconsidered...
  9. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected BAN APEAL ID:92819

    Hello GOD ; first of all, I did not know that what I did was a violation of the rules, I see that this is a problem that can happen to every person and I ask you to take the initiative in the punishment. Thanks,Best Regards.
  10. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected Possible cheat & Fear rp | 92819

    I don't even use redux they call me cheat :)
  11. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected Making Different Sounds | 67620

    These last two complaints cover the same incident, 2 complaints cannot be filed from the same incident. If you look at the clocks and the location of the event, you will understand. Sir Tanish Carter
  12. Hernandez Castro

    Approved RDM / 67620 / 92819

    I couldn't open the recording because you suddenly opened fire on us after saying that, why are you cutting the recording?
  13. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected Making Different Sounds | 67620

    The people in the video cut off are saying to us, get out of the area and we will shoot. we had to engage in combat before we had the opportunity to open the video , If you want, ask for the whole video, it's there
  14. Hernandez Castro

    Approved RDM / 67620 / 92819

    The people in the video cut off are saying to us, get out of the area and we will shoot. we had to engage in combat before we had the opportunity to open the video , If you want, ask for the whole video, it's there
  15. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected VDM + Ear Rape

    its full video
  16. Hernandez Castro

    Rejected VDM + Ear Rape

    first ear rp then vdm
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