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  1. shanemax36

    Approved General Rule 6.12 | 73590

    When I was on EMS duty, I went to a call. Then I asked the people there if I could help him. There was no response from them so I helped. Then the Suspect attacked me.
  2. shanemax36

    Approved RDM | General Rule 6.12 | 11575

    all in POV. When I was on EMS duty, I went to a call at Mirror Park. Then someone there told me to leave. Then I left there and informed the EMS that it was a 10-10 situation. Later, when I removed the calls from the Call log and tried to take another call, he come and shot me.
  3. shanemax36

    Approved RDM | General Rule 6.12 | 55132

    All in POV. I took the call while on ems duty. after I got there, the suspect got there. si I had to ask him can i help the 42792 because its EMS Protocol. after I ask it he beat me to death.
  4. shanemax36

    Approved Rule Break | RDM | 68337

    All in POV. Suspect 68337 punch me and killed citizen 51552
  5. shanemax36

    Approved RDM | 53072

    All in PVO. I am about to get a license plate for my car. When I was going to turn the car to the right, he suddenly jumped into the middle of the road. So he hit the car. Then I stopped the car and asked him if he was alright. Then he shot me without saying anything. Can anyone in the city...
  6. shanemax36

    Rejected RDM | ID : 56580

    I came to the bar with my friend to complete a daily task. Then he (ID: 56580) came there and shot me for no reason. This is not GTA Online. this is an RP Server. So how can he shoot on an RP server For No Reason and Without doing an RP?
  7. shanemax36

    Rejected Rule Break | ID 59335

    Gun Pointed at me in the Green Zone
  8. shanemax36

    Approved VDM, NonRP, Rulebreak | ID 57473

    ID 57473 tried to kill citizens using a taxi ( VDM ) in Greenzone. things like this happen when little kids who don't know RP rules are taken to the server.
  9. shanemax36

    Approved Rule Break and VDM | ID 56025

    hello admin, Player ID 56025 tried to rob me with a gun when i was in the greenzone. ( hotel ) As he is a new player, i told him cannot do that in a green zone. then he got his car and hit my car. later when i came out, he tried to hit me with the vehicle several times.
  10. shanemax36

    Approved Rule Break | ID 56291

    hello admin Player ID : 56291 killed me green zone
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