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  1. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta I Salman Badmosh

    Person dont know metagaming and powergaming haha
  2. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio I Abrar Ace I 28418

    Organization: FIB Name: Abrar Ace Gender: Male Age: 16 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Bangladesh Sexuality: Male Eye colour: Blue Hair color: Black Tattoos: Right Hand Strengths: Shooting, Driving. Weakness: Trusts Quickly,Alone Life Story: Growing up: Abrar grew up...
  3. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio I Abrar Ace I 28418

    Organization: FIB Name: Abrar Ace Gender: Male Age: 41 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Bangladesh Sexuality: Unknown Eye colour: Blue Hair color: Black Tattoos: Right Hand Strengths: Shooting, Driving. Weakness: Patience, Straight Life Story: Growing up: Abrar grew up only with his...
  4. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected FIB Corrupt Bio I Abrar Ace I 28418

    Organization: FIB Name: Abrar Ace Gender: Male Age: 16 Nationality: American Place of Birth: Bangladesh Sexuality: Unknown Eye colour: Blue Hair color: Black Tattoos: Right Hand Strengths: Shooting, Driving. Weakness: Patience, Straight Life Story: Growing up: Abrar grew up only with his...
  5. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Demorgan Abusing Event Zone I Adi Vincent

    I got the wrong punishment it was not me it was the other guys who killed and died out of event zone see the screenshot of map as following
  6. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Warn for GR 6.2 / Fedrico Hill

    Today i got a warn for GR 6.2 there is no fault about me coz my pc is so low end that it cannot render so many peoples and cars while raming and firing when it tries my game freezes and crashes for that there is no fault. Our gang were doing ammo run and i lso play grand rp with the fps of 25-30...
  7. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Gen Rule 3.2 l Vasooli Daata

    I dont know his id but i know his phone number and name as he posted a ad and i asked the price of the house and i wanted to see the house after he gave gps i went there and didnt like the house according to its price thats why i said i will not buy it and he started abusing and he said bad...
  8. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected General Rule 3.2 | 8529630

    Its his phone number. today i saw a ad selling house with garden but when i asked the price i said where to come for seeing the house after seeing i didnt like the house thats why i told i will not buy and he said bad words with my parents .. His name is Vasooli Daata
  9. abrarmafiagood

    Reviewed Ban for GR 6.17 | Krish Naidu

    Hi , I was playing yesterday and I was recording my pov/bodycam it was with OBS but I didnt know that OBS is illegal for using for POV's . Iam sorry for what I have done and I will not repeat it again ever please forgive me and give me one chance i will not repeat this again ..
  10. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Krish Naidu

    Hi , I was playing yesterday and I was recording my pov/bodycam it was with OBS but I didnt know that OBS is illegal for using for POV's . Iam sorry for what I have done and I will not repeat it again ever please forgive me for this time .
  11. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected GR 1.3 I 31624

    Hello administrator of the server- Today I found a person selling grand coins but when i told to give grand coin first he refused and told that give half money to him it was dealt 480k for 6 grand coins but when i gave he quitted the game and i think it was his twink account and i also think...
  12. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Leader of Vagos

    1. Your name IRL- Abrar 2. Your age - 14 3. Time zone- GMT +6:00 4. Average online per day- 4-8hours 5. Your Discord - Assassin Abrar#3018 6. Your Nickname - Assassin Abrar 7. Your ID - 28418 Additional Information 1. Leader of... I spent most of my RP life in gangs and some legal orgs. That...
  13. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Demorgan for CR| Sunil Reddiee

    Hello , I just complaint about a player today that he was doing CR with his Dept collector truck and called an admin but instead of demorganing him I got demorganed but i think its not fair coz i didnt do CR he was doing CR from the back but i got the punishment .
  14. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.9 I Zessy Hill

    Hi , I was playing today and I was doing push ups at beach market and There was a lot of people in the place I was and then I goes to a 6.9 I didnt look at that what was happening and after sometimes i saw and when i escaped the push ups i got backlisted i got 3days ban but iam saying is i love...
  15. abrarmafiagood

    Rejected Unban appeal | By Zessy_Hill

    Hi, I was playing in the server today and i did push up infront of a girl character after that i got a blocklist written there "Reason:Gen 6.9(reissued) But i did type of nothing i just did push ups in beach market and a girl character was infront of me. I Dont know what to put in the proofs so...
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