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  1. A

    Rejected Pov Request | 0000

    haha why the title pov req?? U gonna request his pov of how he type this? Maybe its dsync?? HAHAHA
  2. A

    Reviewed 126094 | gr 6.22

    Dont give rank to gun car if you dont want someone using ammo for an event. Imagine sitting here crying because someone stole 300 ar ammo ill give 15k for the ammo😂
  3. A

    Reviewed POV request

    your redux has no rain effects ik its zee bolo redux my freind got banned for no rain with same redux
  4. A

    Reviewed POV Request | 5271

    Your event awareness is horrible your running through the open and expect nobody to shoot you
  5. A

    Rejected POV REQUEST | 286368

    Didnt know someone who ban evades makes a forum report and also with cheats. All shots u hit are in the direct middle of the body its pretty obvious seen as your 2 other accounts were banned for cheats as well.
  6. A

    Approved UB demands, RDM | 319838, 116141, 290481,224717, 208128

    So you said that basically the only reason you posted us is because of our family. You know theirs punishment for targeting families right?
  7. A

    Approved UB demands, RDM | 319838, 116141, 290481,224717, 208128

    Not sure how this is ub demands. There was a serious rp reason as they were stealing the car and when demands were given you were just standing there not fearing for your life so they killed you. No rdm or ub demands took place here. Also nice metagaming not sure how you know their fam though...
  8. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    Also i must add that im not trying to get you punished for that video bro. Ik the rules more than you man. Im just putting that there so people can see the real people that are the “leaders” of your family. Thats shows your guys true character.
  9. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    you guys had to change leaders because your previous leaders history was so bad. Also your the one that made a new forum account because your original was permad from forums.
  10. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    your not toxic? Keep in mind this is all your hc that are supposed to lead your family. Ooc insulting,doxing,taking the ro situation ooc this is just horrible.
  11. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    This is just so corrupt what is happening with you in this forum report. Non stop accusing us of actions you have proof of. Id 116141 was there for party and as he leaves you kill him so you will receive punishment for ghetto rule 1.12. Also you say how charlie russo was there harassing he was...
  12. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    Krix isnt even in our family admins can check. Trying to deceive admins and make things worse than they are. I beg any admin to check what family krix is in because hes not in ours.
  13. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    this is not offtopic when im exposing you man. you state how you have a mask on but your member standing there says to us this is gio coming. You also showed some old clips and only 2. Your sitting here again talking about these mass rule breaks and toxicity that we non stop do but have no...
  14. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    You say that Charlie Russo is here contributing to the rule breaks but you didnt list one single rule break from him also to add how do you know he didnt do anything your not seeing our fam chat or hearing whats said in the radio. You say that we follow you onto your property and harras you. Im...
  15. A

    Approved Toxicity , Metagaming, Mixing | 107243 , 253439 , 116141

    How do you know those people are in that family and know their leaders name through his id ingame and you posted it in this forum
  16. A

    Approved Racist,N word | ID 244996

    Facts where is your audio i see your radio on but dont hear you
  17. A

    Approved Toxicity racism | 116141

    Lmao bro was just talking shit and spitting in body is only rule break when their dead bro your just a lil pussy if your feelings hurt this bad honestly
  18. A

    Approved Racist,N word | ID 244996

    I have clips of you saying n-word and mother insults in radio lmao wait for those buddy also taking the situation ooc saying come fight me irl id beat tf out of you ggs your gone for a while man
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