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Search results

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    Approved Leader of Bloods | Adi Vincent

    +1 leader
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    Rejected RDM |34244

    I am the suspect my id 34244 so the situation is like that me and my family doing house robbery there and they came for protect their house at that time i am holding my position so i kill him and anyone can see he is doing damage to my fam member so jump to protect. and they dont following any...
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    Approved Application for LifeInvader Leader | Josh Anton

    Most humble and passoniate about his work . Fitted to be a leader specially for LI +1 LEADER
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    Dear Team, Yesterday I got banned and upon checking i got to know that it was due to gen 1.9 where i was helping a friend get his house but now i realized i had made mistake and i feel sorry about it. Kindly unban my account as i will not do this again. Deeply sorry from the bottom of my...
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    Reviewed BAN FOR GENERAL RULE 1.9 | Floki

    Dear Team, Yesterday I got banned and upon checking i got to know that it was due to gen 1.9 where i was helping a friend get his house but now i realized i had made mistake and i feel sorry about it. Kindly unban my account as i will not do this again. Thanks, Ryuzaki
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