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Search results

  1. Bone Cartel

    Rejected MG / 48768

    all in pov
  2. Bone Cartel

    Rejected MG / 59488 / 44031

    all in pov
  3. Bone Cartel

    Rejected RDM and Gen 3.2 / 33787 / 65282

    Shooting without demand everyone as you can see in pov
  4. Bone Cartel

    Rejected Gen 3.2 / 59488

    All in pov
  5. Bone Cartel

    Rejected Vdm and CL I 3657 66105

    did he give a demand when is he shooting i dont thing so and also metagaming hahaha funny boy where is your sound we cant here you ? buddy
  6. Bone Cartel

    Approved MG and Mercy Killing | 65321, 60427

    İ dont have pov
  7. Bone Cartel

    Approved ER 1.13/ ID 50448

    All in pov
  8. Bone Cartel

    Approved VDM/ ID59415

    The guys was using vdm on us as you can see in the proof ı was talking the stranger to asking rules to for inviting the gang he crashed all of us.
  9. Bone Cartel

    Approved (Rdm And Vdm) ID 14509

    I was trying to get in my friend's car on the road, but I couldn't get in the car because of the game's bug. I also get off on the road and then a player vdm me and rdm me on the road.
  10. Bone Cartel

    Rejected (Rdm And Vdm) ID 14509

    I was trying to get in my friend's car on the road, but I couldn't get in the car because of the game's bug. I also get off on the road and then a player vdm me and rdm me on the road.
  11. Bone Cartel

    Rejected rdm/60415

    the player have been using rdm on me
  12. Bone Cartel

    Rejected Complaint

    I was wearing my gang clothes already only the bottom ı dont have because they havent given that to me yet
  13. Bone Cartel

    Rejected Im not accepting this demorgan

    I was wearing my gang clothes already only the bottom ı dont have because they havent given that to me yet
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