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  1. L

    Approved Fail RP | 108055

    i meant to put a bag on your head cus i just got 5 head bags from battle pass im very sorry i wanted to prank you
  2. L

    Approved RDM + GR 3.2 + Earrape + Toxicity | 288827 + 108055 + 234493

    i only earraped bc nobody said anything about my mic it was accidental type shi but yea you were arresting me for no reason any way
  3. L

    Approved Fail RP | 108055

    i clicked the wrong thing
  4. L

    Approved GR 6.19 and Random Punching I 108055

    i did nothing wrong
  5. L

    Approved RDM I 108055

    i thought that was red zone ghetto
  6. L

    Reviewed N-Word | 108055

    i didnt say n word
  7. L

    Reviewed animating on a dead body | 108055

    no i emoted on a person
  8. L

    Rejected RDM | 108055 & 309472

    it was accident
  9. L

    Rejected banned for no reason

    i just saw the thing that says no appeal for 7 day bans i apoligize but where would i appeal the 7 day ban
  10. L

    Rejected banned for no reason

    i got on gran rp today and it said banned and then a thread number but it doesnt stay long enough for me to remember every number on it and if you check my reports there isnt one that would get me banned and in one of them it gets approved but my id never even shows in the video so idk how he...
  11. L

    Rejected Leader of Ballas I Dwane Moriarty

    ill improve the organization by being involved in more events. ill make it easier for people to join the gang by having more active high command. ill make our gang better by doing more stuff with my gang members like teaching them to shoot better and going over all the rules. and ill always have...
  12. L

    Rejected Leader of Ballas I Dwane Moriarty

    leader of ballas gang i want to be leader bc i have been involved in the gta roleplay for the past year and want to try out being a leader. i want to be able to do things with my gang like rank up or derank people and have people follow my orders. and i have very good communication skills with...
  13. L

    Rejected Leader of Ballas I Dwane Moriarty

    scott. 15. time zone gmt-5. (EST). average hours online 6-10. discord primo#1672. nickname cornelious bands. my id 108055.
  14. L

    Rejected banned for no reason

    i forget what admin it was i got banned on server 2 for saying ***** but im black and he was watching four people rdm in a green zone i forget my id too bc i dont really play on server 2 but my name is cornelious bands my server 1 id is 108055
  15. L

    Approved GR 6.22 | 108055

    i took the stuff out of the trunk bc it was taking up space and i was gonna put gas cans batteries and repair kits in the trunk and then it ran out of battery and i left because i saw the family was 136k in debt
  16. L

    Rejected sent to demorgan by zessy pluxury no warning

    in the rules it states 6.15 When outside the GHETTO you must engage in RP before shooting someone. For example issue them demands and if they do not listen to your demands within 5 seconds you can shoot them. | WARN i was never issued a warning immediately got sent to demorgan for 3 hours
  17. L

    Rejected admin complaint on Andy_Margiela

    i got sent to demorgen from threads for pg but the guy kept combat logging when i tried sending him to isolation and you can see that in the video he had he was about to do it again. the proof i posted is the video that got me sent to jail and as u can see he clicks f1 but then closes it when i...
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