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  1. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved RDM | 51158

    POV is just 17sec, it’s not a valid proof for filling the complaint brother
  2. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Rdm - 32885

    6.17 It is forbidden to use OBS and any similar softwares for recordings. All overlays must be recorded. | Ban 30 days
  3. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved RDM | 47330,51158

    Just 30 seconds POV cannot explain the full situation
  4. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved RDM | 47330,51158

    You are the one who is complaining Provide the full situation bruh Deceiving admins is also punishable.
  5. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved Scammers I’d |248972

    He is literally disrespecting the server rules I strongly believe this is his twink account
  6. Rossi Vuitton

    Reviewed Possible cheats + Random Punching | 32885,76140

    1)You are reviving without even pressing the mic, it’s a proper Fail RP 2) you are running while unconscious I think it’s a Bug Abuse 3) Meta Gaming too
  7. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved RDM | ID 250714

    I was collecting sand, he came and killed me without any demands.
  8. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    bro try to be a good person. Money is only a secondary factor. Above all you should have a good charachter. Love everyone Respect everyone. Abusing someones parents is the worst thing to do brother Thank you
  9. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    I am ready to provide any evidence if needed by the respected game administrator.
  10. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    money wipe doesnt make any sense to your behaviour brother
  11. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    Bro i can comment on my friends thread. why are you deviating from the issue
  12. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    Are you blind bro? Its their thread and i just posted a comment
  13. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    so you are saying abusing someones parents is valid only for the time being?
  14. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    its my POV and i can provide any evidence if needed by the administrator
  15. Rossi Vuitton

    Rejected Unappeal ban | Bill Austin

    You are guilty for what you did. and i got punishment for Gen 6.15 and CR.
  16. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved Parental Abuse | 142174

    I acccidently crash to his truck. and when i go back to ask him weather he was ok, he get off the truck with a gun in his hand and then i asked him what did he want and this is what he said. All in POV
  17. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved Rdm I 104028

    You already initiated a RP situation by giving demands.
  18. Rossi Vuitton

    Approved Scamming / 177155

    Bro in this POV, you are asking “did you check my house out”, (time stamp 2:45) If he is giving his house just because he is leaving the server, then why did you ask such a question?
  19. Rossi Vuitton

    Reviewed RDM I 53792 I 104082

    What do you mean by mercy killing dude?
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