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  1. L

    Reviewed Wrong Desicion | Kareem Pluxury

    I opened a forum about a rulebreak which is: Rejected - Event Rule 1.18 | Keder Family But it got rejected while there are examples of this rulebreak getting accepted for example: Approved - Mass rulebreak I Punisher 1.18 Why is this forum getting accepted but mine is not, which one is the...
  2. L

    Approved Event Rule 1.18 | Keder Family

    i guess they start on the highground which is not allowed. i want to see their pov.
  3. L

    Approved RDM | 185920

    i was afk he just killed me
  4. L

    Rejected VDM and FL in gz | 133403

    everything in pov.
  5. L

    Approved Ban Appeal | General Rules 1.1 | Kareem Pluxury

    if necessary i am ready for money vipe
  6. L

    Approved Ban Appeal | General Rules 1.1 | Kareem Pluxury

    you can check the date, I changed my password before joining.
  7. L

    Approved Dance over body | 111875

    https://streamable.com/zikmgu and stop tell lie to admins you are dancing after put your gun fckng lier
  8. L

    Approved Dance over body | 111875

    https://streamable.com/i6ot9s its not looking like immediately
  9. L

    Approved Ban Appeal | General Rules 1.1 | Kareem Pluxury

    Hello dear administrators! I have been playing the game for like 9 months. I have never had an twink account. When I try to create a new account yesterday, I got a notification saying "This mail is already in use". I clicked, I forgot my password and then joined the game with new password. Then...
  10. L

    Approved Dance over body | 111875

    i was see one similar forum : Approved - Emote on dead body I 86666 he is dancing over body clearly
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