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  1. Lionstone

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta Grande | Deigo Skyline

    Supported, player helped me when i was new and taught me how to speak over my microphone. Without him, i would be muted to this day
  2. Lionstone

    Approved OOC insult | 0000

    I messaged a player named Efe Unal 4m a few times for his house, because i think a house in that area is worth around that price. The messages i sent have a day delay between them. Then he insulted me in Turkish
  3. Lionstone

    Rejected Handling a complaint | Alex Odd

    Greetings, I had recently posted a complaint here Rejected - UB Driving | Spike Hill The admin has decided to close my complaint with the following reply of ''don't UB drive and u will not get punished for that'' Now the comment provided has clear lack of interest towards resolving a problem...
  4. Lionstone

    Rejected UB Driving | Spike Hill

    And where does it say that's against the rules?
  5. Lionstone

    Rejected UB Driving | Spike Hill

    Also during the time, the link provided by Lawa only worked after i managed to log in on the website, and was redirected to an invalid page untill i visited the correct link, only then it would link to the correct location after i visited the page once.
  6. Lionstone

    Rejected UB Driving | Spike Hill

    My ID is 401005, I forgot to add it next to my name
  7. Lionstone

    Rejected UB Driving | Spike Hill

    Greetings, I was jailed earlier for UB Driving by Spike Hill, who mentioned that my car tires exploded previously, and that is why i was jailed. I drove through a green zone myself, and i was on the phone in real life which is why i couldn't hear my own audio. I witnessed next to the spikes...
  8. Lionstone

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1.Your name IRL A.A. (Can provide later) 2.Your age (OOC): 26 3.Time zone + country: GMT +3, Turkey 4.Based on Server Time From what time until what time you play (XX:XX to XX:XX Using 24H Time Format ): 21:00/21:30ish-01:00 5.,Average online per day(hours): 4+ hours 6.Your...
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