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  1. redwing plays

    Rejected Ban for Gen 1.9 | FLOKI_vilgeroarson

    Dear FLOKI_vilgeroarson, My id- 78566 My account got blocked due to gen 1.9 Due to trading a car named kamcho for family use. I don’t know the rules and I love to play in grand rp server and I still want to play in this server, I feel guilty for breaking rule named gen1.9 , I am sorry I broke...
  2. redwing plays

    Approved rdm on pov 39049 ,82743

    they kill me without any giving demand
  3. redwing plays

    Reviewed Ban for GR 1.8 | Adham_pluxury

    Hi Adham Pluxury I was banned from the EN3 Server for the GR 1.8 rule. My account id - 73276 (Redwing Plays) I suffered a ban for transferring 25 Scrap Metal from my twink to main account, I did not knew that there is a rule of GR 1.8. I have read all the rules from nowon. I promise from...
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