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Search results

  1. Venice Star

    Approved CL | 90480

    i was at ATM robbery i got these guys but one of them have left the game
  2. Venice Star

    Approved RDM | 36416

    i was patroling normaly when this guy came and hit my car and then get out of the car and start shoting at me
  3. Venice Star

    Rejected CL by 7448

    i was arresting a 10-15 and whens i got to the doc door he left the game
  4. Venice Star

    Approved VDM by 96099

    i was at an atm and a global at the same time of an heavy 10-10 and then in the middle of the 10-10 this guy start to VDM us and the 10-15 that we got........ and i wanted to add something the ID 37675 was not shoting at the gang member from the first so i think thats is also a 6.4 for the ID...
  5. Venice Star

    Approved GR 6.3 | James Pluxury

    as you can see now im working as a LSPD in the server 2 and i have learend a lot of thing about the rules that i brake in the server 1 and again im so sorry for what i did in the first city and it wont happen again and i will do anything to play grand again and i hope that i can have my ban...
  6. Venice Star

    Approved CL by 67761

    i was patroling normaly then i got a 911 call from some one got threated by this cop so i was gona take to our HQ to see his bodycam and i found the cop that he was talking about so i told him to poll over and he did left the game
  7. Venice Star

    Rejected CL by 12704

    i was trying to arrest this guy by order from NG and i uncuffed him so he can remove his face mask and show me his pasport and he did left
  8. Venice Star

    Rejected GR 6.3 | James Pluxury

    it has been 3-4 weaks sins i got blocked and sins then i was trying to get my acount back until i got ban in the fourm and sins then i start new life in the city2 and im really could not forget my acaunt or the game i was enjoing it i was not know that that thing will get me a permban and sins...
  9. Venice Star

    Approved general rule 3.2 by 50449

    i was doing my job normaly and this guy came to me and start saying these thing with no reason
  10. Venice Star

    Rejected GR 6.3 | James Pluxury

    hi i got ban for the rule 6.3 and im really sorry for taking items out of the wearhouse, i will do anything to play grand again and i hope that i can have my ban lifted or reduced even if you need to wipe all the items i stole and i know that the perm ban can not be unban but like bro i didnt...
  11. Venice Star

    Rejected GR 6.3 | James Pluxury

    i want to add something to my last fourm witch is got rejected and it was "Im really sorry for taking items out of the wearhouse, i will do anything to play grand again and i hope that i can have my ban lifted or reduced even if you need to wipe all the items i stole" i want to add that If you...
  12. Venice Star

    Rejected GR 6.3 | James Pluxury

    Im really sorry for taking items out of the wearhouse, i will do anything to play grand again and i hope that i can have my ban lifted or reduced even if you need to wipe all the items i stole"
  13. Venice Star

    Rejected Ban 10000 Days | Venice LaSedra | |GR 6.3 {SAHP}

    and i want to add that that is my first ban or warn or any tipe of bracking rules so if i know that that will give me a ban for 10000 i will not do it i thougt that the fib will try to get me and put me in jail and again guys im sorry for what i did and i hope i will get my acaunt back
  14. Venice Star

    Rejected Ban 10000 Days | Venice LaSedra | |GR 6.3 {SAHP}

    i got ban like 3 days ago and sisn this time im really sory for what i did it wont happen again and i hope you guys understand that i didnt know that that will give me ban for 10000 days i thougt is normal thing to be like bad cop and they have to catch me and just put me in jail i didnt know...
  15. Venice Star

    Rejected Ban 10000 Days | Venice Raiz | |GR 6.3 {SAHP}

    and i want to add that that is my first ban or warn or any tipe of bracking rules so if i know that that will give me a ban for 10000 i will not do it i thougt that the fib will try to get me and put me in jail and again guys im sorry for what i did and i hope i will get my acaunt back
  16. Venice Star

    Rejected Ban 10000 Days | Venice Raiz | |GR 6.3 {SAHP}

    i got ban like 3 days ago and sisn this time im really sory for what i did it wont happen again and i hope you guys understand that i didnt know that that will give me ban for 10000 days i thougt is normal thing to be like bad cop and they have to catch me and just put me in jail i didnt know...
  17. Venice Star

    Rejected Ban 10000 Days | Venice LaSedra | |GR 6.3 {SAHP}

    hi i got ban for 10000 days for the rule 6.3 and im really sorry for what i did it wont happen again i just want to play the game pesfully with out any of bracking rules if there is any chance to get my account back it will be great for me and again im sorry guys for this and thanks for your time
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