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  1. A

    Approved GR 6.15, 6.8 l 159583

    Rule of Play: 6.8 : Time: 1:20: After killing me he called me a stupid fuck, then came back 2 different times with two different insults. Rules of play: 6.15 Time: 1:10 I was clearly leaving and yet still shoot. MetaGameing:When I walked up to the car, his friend showed up at the same time they...
  2. A

    Approved Combat Log l 279234

    All in pov
  3. A

    Rejected Combat Log l 279234

    All in pov
  4. A

    Rejected SAHP corrupt bio | Andrew Manning | 15547

    Name: Andrew Manning Gender: Male Age: 29 Nationality: America Place of Birth: New York Sexuality: Heterosexual Eye color:Green Hair color: Blonde Tattoos: Back Strengths: Strong will, and large amounts of friends who may help me with backup. Weakness: I cant hold my drinks back at a party...
  5. A

    Approved Non RP collector I 252842

    All proof in pov. also fixed the format sorry.
  6. A

    Rejected Non RP collector

    I was being arrested by LSPD and this man came up and didn't say a word.
  7. A

    Approved Killing without demands I ID 261548

    I was sitting at DOC and she starting shooting. Then came up to me and tried to kill me without demands.
  8. A

    Rejected Killing without Demands

    Its short but shows the lady walking up to me
  9. A

    Rejected Just wondering

    I was given a warning for MK, I was thinking MK was killing someone to avoid a RP situation . As stated in 6.13 " It is restricted to kill person who is unconscious to help him to avoid RP situation(Mercy killing). | Demorgan 120 min or WARN" There was no Rp situation at the point. The cops...
  10. A

    Rejected Application for leader of ems | James Chopper | 70718

    I love the dude, only thing bad about him is his driving. Great choice for leader though.
  11. A

    Rejected LSPD Leader | 15547

    Information 1. Name : Andrew Dior 2. Age : 21 3. Time zone : CT 4. Average online per day: 6+ hours 5. Your Discord : Squeaks#9124 6. Your Nickname : Andrew Dior 7. Your ID : 15547 A bit about Me. When I first joined I went straight to Gov. It was only the front man, however it was...
  12. A

    Rejected Admin Application | Notix Jinx

    I truly hope you get this spot. It has been an honor to work with you at SAHP for as long as I have. I feel Notix, though maybe to night at times, would be able to give fair, and just punishments to all. Including his old family members at SAHP if need be.
  13. A

    IMPORTANT Applications for Admins

    Information 1. Aj Cameron 2. 20 3. Central us 4. 7-8 5. Squeaks#9124 6. Andrew Manning 7. 15574 Additional information 1. I have just been a little bored of Role playing as of recent, however I still want to be a part of this amazing city. 2. I have no friends out side of this city, so I am...
  14. A

    Rejected Mercy Killing + Possible Cheats I 9739

    Landed a chopper to respond to a ATM and he shot through the door, then Mercy Killed me as well.
  15. A

    Approved RDM I 58092 I 60330

    Did that fix it?
  16. A

    Approved RDM I 58092 I 60330

  17. A

    Rejected RDM

    I do not know if this will do anything, however I was killed while walking to a parking spot to call my car. Sadly I was only able to get the second I died. He comes back and runs me over and taunts me.
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