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Search results

  1. lotion13

    Reviewed GZ 1.1 | 93505

    Killing me in GZ without warning
  2. lotion13

    Rejected GZ 1.1 | 93505

    Killing me in GZ without warning
  3. lotion13

    Rejected Killing me in the GZ

    I was just standing at the beach market and got killed for no reason. No demands were given.
  4. lotion13

    Rejected Demorgan for ER 1.17| Lotion Toronto

    I was doing a club mission at the same gas station my gang was doing a robbery.
  5. lotion13

    Rejected Demorgan for ER 1.17| Lotion Toronto

    I was doing a club mission at the same gas station my gang was doing a robbery.
  6. lotion13

    Rejected GR 6.8 | 87798

    Hi, I am new to GTA RP and I got a 3 day ban for violating GR 6.8. The video is set to private, therefore I cannot contest what I cannot see. This is my first offense, I don’t think a 3 day ban is appropriate. Please reconsider. Thanks.
  7. lotion13

    Rejected First offense

    Hi, I am new to GTA RP and I got a 3 day ban for violating GR 6.8. The video is set to private, therefore I cannot contest what I cannot see. This is my first offense, I don’t think a 3 day ban is appropriate. Please reconsider. Thanks.
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