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  1. H

    Rejected close

    The day he joined our family, he stole our guns and bullets from our family vehicle without permission, so we kicked him out of the family
  2. H

    Rejected RDM | 383433

    he killed me for no reason
  3. H

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Alex Odd

    I wish I deserved a second chance too
  4. H

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Alex Odd

    I am aware of my mistake so I regret it please I beg you open my account I will never do something like this again
  5. H

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Alex Odd

    Hello Admins, my account with ID 272442 has been permanently banned due to GR 1.1 rule violation. I noticed this error today when I tried to log into the game and realized I couldn't. I deeply regret my actions and accept the seriousness of my violation. I can assure you that I will never engage...
  6. H

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor

    Hello Mazhor, my account with ID 272442 has been permanently banned due to GR 1.1 rule violation. I noticed this error today when I tried to log into the game and realized I couldn't. I deeply regret my actions and accept the seriousness of my violation. I can assure you that I will never engage...
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