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Search results

  1. K

    Approved RDM-269102, 66889

    Ub demand and insult.
  2. K

    Approved RDM-269102, 66889

    At the end, they joke (:
  3. K

    Rejected WEDA Mass Rule Break | Multiple ID

    and I didn't know this would happen
  4. K

    Rejected WEDA Mass Rule Break | Multiple ID

    hello admins i died in the red zone i quit the game then i was reborn sorry i didnt bore them i didnt know something like this would happen thank you for your understanding I apologize to everyone
  5. K

    Rejected İD:302215-Swearing

    Kevar Salvatore
  6. K

    Rejected İD:302215-Swearing

    Swearing via nonrp chat
  7. K

    Rejected İD:302215-Swearing

  8. K

    Rejected İD:302215-Swearing

    Kevar Salvatore-
  9. K

    Rejected İD:302215-Swearing

    Swearing via nonrp chat
  10. K

    Rejected Swearing via the nonrp chat

    This person is swearing at me i want punishment and she is doing it while she is dead
  11. K

    Rejected Swearing via the nonrp chat

    Swearing via the nonrp chat
  12. K

    Approved MK | 242621

    The person here is disturbing when we enter the event, we tell the person to go, but he does not go, and we do this when we are going to enter the event, and we send him to the hospital for the person's well-being. Written With Translator
  13. K

    Reviewed İD:241711-254473-208355 Meta Gaming and Teaming. Pov Request

    How does the man call his friends when he's dead? Teaming? Toxicity. Pov Request Pls: 254473-251711-208355 While I am working as a collector (I think), his friends who are not partners with him come and shoot me. Yes, this is ghetto, but it felt like metagaming-teaming, as there was a bit of a...
  14. K

    Rejected Leader of Marabunta

    Good leader
  15. K

    Approved RDM / 125784 / 169364

    meta gaming
  16. K

    Approved Parent Insult | 191855

  17. K

    Rejected RDM İN CİTY And blasphemy against family values İD: 220081-223917-121557

    If you want, I can post the scene where rdm was thrown, it didn't appear in the video.
  18. K

    Rejected RDM İN CİTY And blasphemy against family values İD: 220081-223917-121557

    The reason I escaped to the safe area is to get the video better, I apologize if I'm wrong.... I would like the necessary actions to be taken because of the family values in the city, rdm. ID-220081-223917-121557 Since my English is not very good, I wrote it with a translator, if a Turkish...
  19. K

    Rejected RDM|219671

    There is rdm here, please take necessary actions.👏
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