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Search results

  1. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 81955

    i make forum for the same guy from 30 minutes before also RDM without reason
  2. ABO Zain

    Rejected RDM I 81955

    VDM and RDM in front of mall without any reason
  3. ABO Zain

    Rejected Jyn Kingdom| Unofficial organization

    This Guys Deserve a Chance . in the end they have loyalty to EN2 and want to Continue in RP in the Server. wish you good luck AMR
  4. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 123593

    RDM for not giving Money.
  5. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 118898

    RDM without reason in Black Market
  6. ABO Zain

    Reviewed Pow Req I 105528

    you are amazing brother i love that GG
  7. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM | ID 16056,404,14809

    Bro if you want to check our names our family you can ask us easy instead of going to our family door trying to rob or raid the house we are Infront of you and you can respect us and ask us about what you want . imagine in your life someone going direct trying to enter your house you let him...
  8. ABO Zain

    Approved Scamming I 111092

  9. ABO Zain

    Approved Scamming I 111092

    another smart guy trying to scam on us I think there is no need for pov i post a print screen for the offer if you want it urgent i will upload it np
  10. ABO Zain

    Approved Scamming I 51376

    He try to scam on players in beach market with 1 crypto that he has for 100 k he send offer to me while i was afk then i back and take the pov to get his id then i go to him make shake hands and he make the same offer again i rejected the offer by the way and i read every offer i get from any...
  11. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 31074

    shan please check also my pov i make forum on same id
  12. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 31074

    he going killed any one he met in vinewood without demand my forum before you greg check it
  13. ABO Zain

    Approved RDM I 31074

    Make accident by mistake in Vinewood and back to say sorry for them and that what happened
  14. ABO Zain

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.15 | 15021 | 404

    First thing i don't talk to you usama i don't even mention you i talk to the one who send me massage and i replied him. you try to involve yourself in problem that not even belong to you and i don't know why 2nd thing i have no idea who you are brother and you talk about situation you also...
  15. ABO Zain

    Reviewed Gen Rule 6.15 | 15021 | 404

    Just want to say something before admin decision when you have an enemy in the city and only thing he can do is talking and run to post forums with every situation and play music in the comments that only thing you can do guys keep trying to prove something to yourself keep trying to show your...
  16. ABO Zain

    Reviewed helping cheater I 3991 1576

    as i said Tommy Each Person represent himself you know well brother that I don't care about who banned because of cheats or who kicked I told Omar ( if you are in event and there is someone using cheats you make the forum on that person not the family ) if Iam not respect AGP i will not come...
  17. ABO Zain

    Reviewed helping cheater I 3991 1576

    as co leader for Error family first thing i have to say here Each person represents himself not the family and we respect everyone who use cheat deserve his ban whoever he is Ahmed Joudeh you said our family leader is black listed ( our family leader is Sultan error with id 404 ) and he never...
  18. ABO Zain

    Approved Mass rule break | Family Error

    by the way if mentioned i have to add something ((there is insult by parents)) in his main pov at 1.10 ) good luck all
  19. ABO Zain

    Approved Mass rule break | Family Error

    can someone explain to me why my id is mentioned in this forum !!?
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