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  1. Arda Kayya

    Approved VDM | 68488

    I was going to come to you but your friends shot a gun
  2. Arda Kayya

    Approved VDM | 68488

    I didn't say it, the person next to me said it
  3. Arda Kayya

    Approved VDM | 68488

    Viraj Govil I turned left to avoid hitting cars and the accident happened, it wasn't my fault
  4. Arda Kayya

    Approved VDM | 68488

    Why are you waiting in the middle of the road i was just crossing the road it's your fault
  5. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM and VDM | ID 68488, ID 69341

    RP Process
  6. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM and VDM | ID 68488, ID 69341

    they pointed guns at us and provoked us
  7. Arda Kayya

    Approved VDM | 68488

    Donkey Woman
  8. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM I 0000

    Family Name non players They shooting peoples
  9. Arda Kayya

    Approved CR VDM RDM I 112481,115708,113526...

    All ID : 112481,115708,113526,113031,113114
  10. Arda Kayya

    Rejected Request to unwarning |Bobby Margiela

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/43411/ Me and my friend came to attack the solar panel so we had to shoot at them. And the proof is very short. For this reason, I want my warning removed. My ID : 68488 My Friend ID : 114585
  11. Arda Kayya

    Rejected Wrong Warning

    And the video is too short
  12. Arda Kayya

    Rejected Wrong Warning

    And this video is too short
  13. Arda Kayya

    Rejected Wrong Warning

    We coming to solar pannel attack *
  14. Arda Kayya

    Rejected Wrong Warning

    https://gta5grand.com/forum/threads/43411/ I'm coming solar panel attack bro what ? DM in City there is a solar panel attack !
  15. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM | 80750,75905

    I don't understant this players !
  16. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM | 69113

    He not saying 5 seconds and kill me
  17. Arda Kayya

    Approved RDM | 94426

    She say mother*** and killing me i dont say anything and any shooting
  18. Arda Kayya

    Approved Car Ramming | 98370

    Chasing and crashing me aimlessly
  19. Arda Kayya

    Rejected CR, VDM, FAİL RP | 99441,110627

    he says to me this is my house go away but it is not his house and he starts shooting at me
  20. Arda Kayya

    Rejected VDM RDM

    vdm rdm .... bla bla bla help me admins
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