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  1. OnurJohn

    Approved VDM + CR in GZ | 115768 , 140312

    as you can see just came to location with food truck. 115768 started to cr and 140312 vdming
  2. OnurJohn

    Rejected Using 5 account to get reward for 150k | 0000

    this guy as you can see writing in turkish language but he is explaining that he use 5 account and starting 4 am till 4 am (24 hours) for the 8 hours rewards. he says also he has 3 pc to do this. if one of your admins turkish he will understand what he saying. or you can easily translate it.
  3. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    if you taking pov stay behind your pov. just don't lie and give up!
  4. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    you said" you and your friend shoot me with shotgun". but in your pov there was just one person shooting and its not me. you are lying.
  5. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    in fakt. you were in fight out of GZ area. but you killed by stranger. came taking revenge him (failing NLR rp) but decided to kill me in GZ. we have pov. and your pov is showing you running and fighting. and my pov was showing only RDM in GZ but thanks to you also you showed fail NLR rp.
  6. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    you were start pov after you cursing him in turkish language and then started pov. thats way being selfish. but i got you in gz fail NLR and RDM in GZ .
  7. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    post pov where your friend telling you everything ? if you not doing fail New Life Rule rp. ???
  8. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    If you know that much that admins know better, then stop typing and wait for the result. you don't need to cry much
  9. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    1-he is not my friend. where do you know that. 2-you beat people out of gz area and running away and the guy killed you. its between you and him 3-after you die yo remember everything fail NLR rp. and coming GZ area and killing me. without no reason. 4-there is no defending my self situation...
  10. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    you being kill person in gz for no reason.
  11. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    and also you are not beaten. you fight back and running away.
  12. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    this is the out of gz are your pov. watch carefully. you beaten out of gz area. but after died you remember everything and coming gz killing me in gz
  13. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    make a pov where is your friend and giving him information you genious
  14. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    this guy not following the NLR rule. after he died. he remember everything and killing people. look after him.
  15. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    what do you mean helped him? i don't know him either. also you beat me. i didn't kill you but you did!
  16. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    i didn't kill you. but you decidet to kill me. why then?
  17. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    i wasn't one to kill you and if there is pov they will see who killed you. but you decided to kill me. that is pov.
  18. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM in GZ | 135420

    was in food truck station and this guy came suddenly and shoots fire.
  19. OnurJohn

    Approved RDM + VDM id 130662

    this guy almost 3-4 times killed me in Food Truck station. just wanted to talk what is wrong with him. but nothing. decided to take pov. killing me and after revieving doctor he is geting car and vdm.(rdm main video) (vdm is
  20. OnurJohn

    Rejected RDM + VDM id 130662

    this guy almost 3-4 times killed me in Food Truck station. just wanted to talk what is wrong with him. but nothing. decided to take pov. killing me and after revieving doctor he is geting car and vdm.(rdm main video) (vdm is )
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