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Search results

  1. Chubo DelaCruz

    Rejected Unban Appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    Dear Mazhor, I was permanently banned based on GR 1.1 rules. I might have done it in mistake if I hadn't read the rules properly and known what to do. I regret not being able to play on your server again after playing for a very long time. This won't happen again. I've recognized my mistake. I...
  2. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Pov Request I 0000

  3. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Pov Request I 0000

    looking for the POV rn
  4. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Breaking rules General rules 6.18 | 52048

    All in POV he's shooting from Highway
  5. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Fear RP and Mixing | 124476

    talked to the guy already its all good now
  6. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Fear RP and Mixing | 124476

    I got told to rob patch him up and was about to rob him
  7. Chubo DelaCruz

    Rejected Demorgan for RDM | Donte Shepard

    Other guys POV - didnt show the whole incident
  8. Chubo DelaCruz

    Rejected Demorgan for RDM | Donte Shepard

    Didnt asked my POV in threads 485782 I got demorgan and warning
  9. Chubo DelaCruz

    Rejected Wrongfully Demorgan | Donte Shepard

    Didnt asked my POV in threads 485782 I got demorgan and warning
  10. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed MIGHT BE CHEATING | ID 313394

    thats why we shot him and he ate every bullets and he stop and then he died
  11. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed MIGHT BE CHEATING | ID 313394

    before this the guy who's shooting him we made a deal that to protect each others solar because they keep stealing our solar from our area we helped them
  12. Chubo DelaCruz

    Rejected Breaking rule 6.18 | ID 273594

    First time they did it admin caught them one of them got demorgan 2nd time they did it admin didnt see it
  13. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Demorgan | Zeke Landon

    so you got me staying in prison for 180 mins so thats it just sorry and nothing happen
  14. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Demorgan | Zeke Landon

    thats why when I contacted in admin in game I wanted to talk with you you replied to me serve your time because I want to clear my demorgan thats the problem with you man I dont hate you nothing but like you didnt talk to me and just demorgan me and rudely said to "no serve your time"
  15. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Demorgan | Zeke Landon

    and not just that he demorgan our hostage because he dont know how to put his hands up the new guy was learning mid rp and he demorgan him and just said ohh that was your hostage like broo this admin never talk to no one if the hostage was just messing around
  16. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Demorgan | Zeke Landon

    So they sent people in demorgan and not even explain to them what the rules they didnt follow Im asking nicley if he could talk to me and just said to serve my time
  17. Chubo DelaCruz

    Reviewed Demorgan | Zeke Landon

    How is that not red or repping bloods? so buying that with grand coins is useless now in my pov you can see my pants is red than more bloods infront of me and im the one getting Demorgan
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