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Search results

  1. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected See below and archive

    See below
  2. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected See below and archive

    See below
  3. Chevi Calipso

    Reviewed Unnecessary mute | Mohamed Pluxury

    Hello Reviewer. I was muted today for saying one word "Indeed" In club chat. Other people were actually being really offtopic and I got a mute for 100 minutes for saying a single word Please get rid of my mute
  4. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected POV Request | 224200

    Close please Mentioned ID punished for GR 6.2 already
  5. Chevi Calipso

    Approved CL, GR 6.15 | 198026, 236254, 228328

    ID 198026 shot with no demands (GR 6.15) ID 198026 Combat logged ID 236254 Combat logged ID 228328 Combat Logged All in POV We shot them as they were a threat to our safety and the lady shot with no demands, allowing us to use lethal force
  6. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected POV Request | 224200

    In the bodycam, you see him in the house robbery, but when we go in, he is nowhere to be found. Suspected CL that we missed (We shot them as they were a threat to our safety the moment they rushed out guns blazing, and the lady shot us without demand, Separate report made for that and the CL)
  7. Chevi Calipso

    Approved CL | 285699

    All in POV
  8. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected Remove

    Remove forum post (Had someone change my mind) Although you did prioritize shooting me rather than moving the cars
  9. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected Remove

    Ballas blocking gate, all in POV
  10. Chevi Calipso

    Approved Mass CL | Vagos

    All in POV
  11. Chevi Calipso

    Approved UB Demands , Fear RP | Black Disciples

    Ghetto rule 1.12 If a person complies with given demands its not allowed to kill them Exact rule for you
  12. Chevi Calipso

    Approved UB Demands , Fear RP | Black Disciples

    We were complying, therefore you cannot shoot. We also gave demands around the member we were attempting to arrest before you got there And you shot the hostage even though we were complying.
  13. Chevi Calipso

    Approved UB Demands , Fear RP | Black Disciples

    Hello Gods! The mentioned family decided to group up while we were attempting to arrest one of their members, as we gave demands and had 3 people around him while doing so. Additionally, they killed the hostage while we were complying to their demands to "Back up" Finally. They began shooting...
  14. Chevi Calipso

    Reviewed GR 6.10, GR 6.19 | 248932 Syed Apocc

    Brother, compared to what you said to him in DMs (And the fact he literally quoted you and didn't say it directly) is unacceptable. You were being very racist and even insulted his parents
  15. Chevi Calipso

    Reviewed Please remove

    Issue has been resolved, please archive
  16. Chevi Calipso

    Reviewed Please remove

    Please remove
  17. Chevi Calipso

    Rejected UB Demands | Bob Ivanov

    You could also say the dude Fear RP’d since you were pointing a gun at him and he did not fear for his life and instead, hopped out of his car and didn’t listen to demands
  18. Chevi Calipso

    Approved RDM + MG | 232666

    Gave no demands and shot me while I was tabbed out. Also used G car information ICly
  19. Chevi Calipso

    Approved Bug Abuse, MG 129669 201071

    And the shear panic and fear in his voice
  20. Chevi Calipso

    Approved Bug Abuse, MG 129669 201071

    But the question is, how would they have known it would’ve worked? Based on their reactions it was a test, not intended for abuse or etc. abuse can be considered using it over and over again for your own gain but up to the god. Keep it open if you want, it your forum post. I’m merely...
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