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  1. M

    Reviewed GR 1.4 | 253439 264290 258492

    Metagaming really self report
  2. M

    Reviewed Warning appeal | Spy Rider

    I am chilling at a valuable case when I am given demands. We weren't ready they kill our friend as you can here from the POV when he says "I killed the last one" we pull our shotguns out and kill them. Now we are being faced with a warning. For full RP in a situation. You can see our first blue...
  3. M

    Approved VDM and RDM | 267124, 270898

    show the whole situation espically the part where u gave us demands
  4. M

    Approved mixing / toxing / rasicm / insulting mother multiple times | 274978 / 224717

    imagine ur defaning but we can still see u meta gaming lol
  5. M

    Approved mixing / toxing / rasicm / insulting mother multiple times | 274978 / 224717

    and the fact that ur swearing in arabic at them in discord what about that
  6. M

    Approved mixing / toxing / rasicm / insulting mother multiple times | 274978 / 224717

    should u not be punished for metagaming ?
  7. M

    Rejected Mass rule break | 261504| 181621|261161|271191|

    These guys Broke a lot of rules in the video but the admins didn't punish them but we did and they got away with it all the rules that they broke I have listed below. 1. Metagaming Sofia id:181621 and Aaron luis id: 261504 u can clearly hear them and also see it with the screen overlay. 2...
  8. M

    Reviewed warn for ghetto 1.3 | Georgia Casanova

    Dear all admins I was given a warning for being in the families HQ but there was a reason for me being in there, I was there because I wanted too see if I could join their gang but then Ballas came out of nowhere and started to argue and because i had a purple fit on she might of thought that i...
  9. M

    Approved Fail RP (Playing music over body and talking to a dead body) | 250714, 181621, 265624

    These people non stop like to harass me and now decide to play music over my body and talk over my body too.
  10. M

    Approved RDM + Fail RP | 250803 + 270898

    imagine saying cheating while metagaming lmao
  11. M

    Rejected Speaking to a dead body and playing music over a dead body

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