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  1. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved VDM | LTA | ID: 12509, 2205, 8219, 22015(VDM)

    Evo: Ali ako je to nedovoljno, upravo sam natrag spojio taj trim što se tiče par sekundi kad su napravili LTA, pa ako treba i to, javite pa da mogu uploadati, trajat će malo duže.
  2. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved VDM | LTA | ID: 12509, 2205, 8219, 22015(VDM)

    Naravno ponavljam svoju žalbu jer je odbijena radi "ne postojećeg zvuka", pa evo nakon dolaska s posla, uploadano je sa zvukom, nešta je pošlo po krivu, moje isprike! Kao što sve vidite gospodo, prvi klip sa VDM-om od strane gospodina 22015. A na ovom drugom klipu koji je ispod ovog teksta...
  3. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected VDM | LTA | ID: 12509, 2205, 8219, 22015(VDM)

    Niste? Gdje ti tu vidiš još ljudi 🤣 a druga stvar otkud ti znaš šta sam ja htio i naumio? I treća stvar posto kažeš da te nisam roba itd, kako ću te sam? Naravno, čekao sam ostalu delegadu, pa bi onda odradili posao :) Ne razumijem zašto se svatko na svaki post mora netko nadovezivati? Gospoda...
  4. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected VDM | LTA | ID: 12509, 2205, 8219, 22015(VDM)

    Kao što sve vidite gospodo, prvi klip sa VDM-om od strane gospodina 22015. A na ovom klipu vidite kako rade LTA gospoda, te mu se piše u chat kako se to radi :) Unaprijed hvala!
  5. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved Amnesty | got unbanned | help | Mazhor Pluxury

    Thank you very much Mr. Mujo! Everything works perfect now! Thread is for closing!
  6. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved Amnesty | got unbanned | help | Mazhor Pluxury

    Here is what comes out when I try to login. https://ibb.co/h9YB991
  7. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved Amnesty | got unbanned | help | Mazhor Pluxury

    Greetings first of all and sorry for disturbing. Yesterday I was unbanned and everything, approved from a side of great Mazhor! But still today at this moment and time I cant enter the game, thank you very mich for your help and time!
  8. Proxima_Neutrino

    Approved Unblacklist appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    So hellou and greetings to everyone and first of all sorry for spamming, I writed already for unban appeal, but I got answer that I'm not banned. o_O somehow i dont believe it. Maybe i writed wrong, maybe I should unblacklist appeal, that's why I'm writing it again, thank you very much! I was...
  9. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unblacklist appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    Please for the curator of the project!
  10. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unblacklist appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    So hellou and greetings to everyone and first of all sorry for spamming, I writed already for unban appeal, but I got answer that I'm not banned. O.o somehow i dont believe it. Maybe i writed wrong, maybe I should unblacklist appeal, that's why I'm writing it again, thank you very much! I was...
  11. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unban appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    I'm sorry for spamming, I want only to mention that this thread"post" is for the curator of the project I forgot to put it. Thank you and take care!
  12. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unban appeal | Mazhor Pluxury

    So hellou and greetings to everyone! As I saw today the good news for the unban appeal (anything but only not cheaters). So I'm hoping for a little bit of hope, when I read that a hope was born. Greeting to everyone! And I'm sorry for everything! Greetings for whole Administration!
  13. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unban appeal | Blacklisted

    Ive donated over 2k euro, and I allrdy lost everything I owned on the server, but I dont care about the money or power anymore, I don't care, this punishment was what I deserved, and I know I can do better I realy can .. I just wish I could hangout with all the great people Ive met in GrandRP...
  14. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Unban appeal | Blacklisted

    Hallo everyone, After a long time waiting, I got unbanned from forum, now is my last chance to write something .. I got banned and after that blacklisted from RS server, trashtalking on discord group "Porodice", Mazhor knows that, but the problem is I was never trashtalking against anything...
  15. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Ban appeal (Blacklisted) | Mazhor Pluxury

    I wanted to put it for the currator of the project, so you can close this thread.
  16. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Ban appeal (Blacklisted) | Mazhor Pluxury

    I didn't even writed and spamed like everyone else on the forum for corruption or something like that. Please.
  17. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Ban appeal (Blacklisted) | Mazhor Pluxury

    And I forgot to mention, when I was in the group, I muted everything so noone can hear what they where talking .. Again I'm realy sorry .. Please ..
  18. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Ban appeal (Blacklisted) | Mazhor Pluxury

    First of all greetings, this is my last chance and last try with a big hope, I hope you guys understand what this means for me 'cuz I'm keep trying. I'm sorry for everything I said or done, but I don't know what type of thing did I to get blacklisted, yes I was in the discord group where a lot...
  19. Proxima_Neutrino

    Rejected Blacklist appeal (Mazhor Pluxury) | Ban appeal 1.1 ( Duni Dani)

    Greetings primarily to all, I am very disappointed with this procedure by the administrator Duni_Dani that he gave me a ban primarily for General Rule 1.1, allegedly finding 3 accounts with me, which is forbidden, as you can see from your logs, you can also see what is worked as long as I was on...
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