Postovani, dobro vece. Radio sam misiju za BP (oboriti zastitni prsluk 75 puta). Naime veoma je zbagovano pricao sam i sa adminom Bonnie Sanchez i trebao sam objaviti na forum za technical jer ima neki problem sa tom misijom. Nekad se racuna nekada ne nekad dobijem kao da sam skinuo 3 puta...
Smatram da je donela pogresnu odluku, na povu se vidi samo kako ubijam lika koji lezi bez svesti cak iako sam reko doktoru da ne dize. Naravno doktorov pov je clipovan i stavio je samo ono sto njemu odgovara. Voleo bih da mi se kazna skine jer ja nikakav "Mercy Kill" uradio nisam.
Dear Lebron, it's not a complaint or anything. Namely, I had 3 accounts 930, 3109 and 28197. The creation of 28197 acc was the result of a perm on: 930 and 3109. I had two social club accounts, on the first 930 and 3109 and on the second 28197. On 930 and 3109 I had very little playtime while I...
So basically both of the accounts (main and twink) were banned for long and i was playing on a new social on 28197 counting it as a main account. Thank you for understanding.
Hello dear Lebron. I got banned for G.P. 1.4. I was permabanned on the main account. At the beginning of playing on this server, I connected to my friend's account for a few minutes. And it was counted as my "Twink" when in fact it wasn't at all. I decide to create a new account, but I can't. I...
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