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  1. Master R

    Rejected GZ,RDM |ID:57704

    Stop making false reports and stop provoking by punching people in unscripted greenzone You wanted attention ? You got attention You're wasting time of admins
  2. Master R

    Rejected GZ,RDM |ID:57704

    Nobody gives a fuc* about who you are.
  3. Master R

    Approved RDM .ID 45429.57704

    Stop doing sexual mast**bating emotes on girls and harassing women Get a Life creep You're such a a disgrace to the community
  4. Master R

    Rejected GZ,RDM |ID:57704

    Bikes can go through fences of beach market and they were literally just standing there minding their own business Can you show a full pov where you were punching bikers in unscripted greenzone, provoking them and then ran into scripted greenzone ? All you do is stand at beach market and...
  5. Master R

    Approved Unban appeal | Alex Odd

    Hi, Greetings of the day I am appealing second time during amnesty week. 2 of my accounts were banned i.e Id - 20375 and 96000 under Rule :1.8 General Rule as I transferred items between each other in December ID: 20375 which is my main was unbanned in january on request. I'm requesting if...
  6. Master R

    Rejected Unban Request | Alex odd

    Hi, Greetings of the day 2 of my accounts were banned i.e Id - 20375 and 96000 under Rule :1.8 General Rule as I transferred items between each other in December ID: 20375 which is my main was unbanned in january on request. I'm requesting if my twink i.e ID 96000 can be unbanned as...
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