Dear administration, I deeply apologize for what happened. It's not my fault, but I apologize anyway. My younger brother, who plays the same grand Rp, was in the room with me. I went to the toilet and he stayed alone in the room. He wanted to look funny by going to the market and breaking the...
Dear administration, I deeply apologize for what happened. It's not my fault, but I apologize anyway. My younger brother, who plays the same grand rp, was in the room with me. I went to the toilet and he stayed alone in the room. He wanted to look funny by going to the market and breaking the...
Draga andministracijo ja se duboko izvinjavam za ono sto se desilo.Nije moja krivica dali svejedno se izvinjavam.Moj mladji brat koji igra isto grand rp je bio samnom u sobi. ja sam otisao u wc i on je sam ostao u sobi.Hteo je da ispadne smesan tako sto je otisao na pijacu i krsio pravila ili ti...
Moj mladji brat je bio u sobi sa mnom i ja sam otisao do wc-a na 5 min i kada sam se vratio video sam da je moj mladji brat radio sex animaciju (iz sale).
Duboko se izvinjavam celoj administaciji u ime mog brata i mene.Molim vas mi skinite ban.
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