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Search results

  1. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected ID: 181193 | DM inside Unscripted Green Zone (Black Market)

    YOUR ID 173006 why all forums I see your replay that Disrupt the admin and the owner of the forum without any benefit
  2. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected RolePlay terms (MG) | ID: | 173006 | 92828 | 181193

    You are against you must learn how to respect people and admin and not sabotage inside the server let the admin decide your mistake
  3. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected RolePlay terms (MG) | ID: | 173006 | 92828 | 181193

    I got this pov form forum rdm for 173006 talking with 92828 | 181193 out side the server Using VoIP programs communicate situations Also the news In arbic words You can hear him behind
  4. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed RDM | ID : 191416 + 181193 + 173006

    Keep Telling lie Admin will see everything don't worry I know You and your friends come to server to sabotage ...
  5. Ziyad Kk

    Approved GN 3.2 IN ARABIC | 165913

    When him meet me before all that
  6. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed RDM | ID : 191416 + 181193 + 173006

    When him meet me before all that
  7. Ziyad Kk

    Approved GN 3.2 IN ARABIC | 165913

    omg you make forum after you what you did and your friend admin see that also he and his friend come to first mixing and provoking after kill me rdm included Arabic bad words about my family I did nothing for him
  8. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed RDM | ID : 191416 + 181193 + 173006

    these guys come to me MIXING and PROVOKING
  9. Ziyad Kk

    Approved VDM | ID 78270 + 10338

  10. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM | ID : 12991 + 13620 + 20750

    Mostly yours friends who came to sabotage the server and also here let's leave it to the admin without any interference with full respect to yours
  11. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM | ID : 12991 + 13620 + 20750

    RDM IN RED PARKING with out any reason our threat
  12. Ziyad Kk

    Approved VDM + non rp | 16688 + 79638

    I finished farming and then I was going to City in then I was surprised at min 2:18 by the police planning to VDM me and arrest under ticket of speeding. You can see his friend after VDM me go with out back because the plan be good at min 3:15 he say" I told get out " and you can see full Video...
  13. Ziyad Kk

    Approved General rules 3.2 | ID: 169111

    I was giving the farms contract and this guy come to say bad for my mouther in arbic in green zone I feel soo bad because my mouther Does not deserve that :( "the another voice that's my friend in discord out side the game " thanks ...
  14. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM | ID 172101

    I just follow these guys take Helicopter training Searching for panels in my family house and friends at Mirror park in 1:05 min the guy in street start shouting me with out any threat in my family house and friends ...
  15. Ziyad Kk

    Reviewed delete forum

    delete forum
  16. Ziyad Kk

    Approved RDM | 149034

    We were at work and we called this person via the taxi app , after that he pulled out a gun and killed us without warning while we were in official business uniform.
  17. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected RDM | 168702

    kills my in my Friend home
  18. Ziyad Kk

    Rejected VDM | ID 86934

    VDM my and kill me :(
  19. Ziyad Kk

    Approved VDM| 142955

    VDM My and destroy my car I fell so bad
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