All in pov (the reason for the cut is i finish my video after i got a valuable case for myself go to pickup my friend i finish the video and start a new one after he starts harrassing me calling me a dog and talking shit about my fam leader) also the id of my friend he kills is 114453
Came to me started the demand and started shooting without finishing i while i was complying,after the fight and some time they came to me while i was unconscious and talked shit about my fam leader, don't rdm in my native language(Turkish) but you can clearly hear him saying RDM to me while i...
The pov is the pov from the guy who reported me,the thing that wasnt in the pov is one of their family members shooting a few bullets to my friend without any demands while my friend was running to me,after that they just rammed our helicopter and mocked us, so how is that not enough reason for...
I was jailed for this 3 months ago im regretful for what i did but i want to get back in the server and i dont have time to serve my jail can i pls get forgived
I was warned for shooting 2 hands to the guy broke two rules in front of me and i could'nt follow the green zone and because of the warn i kicked out of my org and when i joined today at 21.00 i saw i got jailed so i can't play with my friend i want to ask, is this fair?
I quit after 1-3 minutes they shot me and i get a warning for that
They didnt do any demands after they shoot me
I dont have any history with the person got me warned He just shooted me for looking and i quit after 2 mins seeing they dont have any demands
I request the removal of my warning...
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