you are probably secretly banned from all leo organization's because u cause too much drama and then start crying playing victim because u are media :ROFLMAO:
Dear Lebron, I was not anti afk I just chill there every day listening to music and playing different stuff but that does not mean I'm anti afk I'm very much there at all times when not in "sleeping" mode.
Dear Revanth Hockley, I shadow replayed 20mins and u didn't even pop up once to check but...
Tyron is fourms banned & was also sleeping when this was requested if possible reviewing admin, add 10hrs due to the fact he is now at school irl. Thankyou
is this a possible cheat fourms request or a bitching competition like why are u still going about any little thing u can find ? u are noone in this situation plus noone cares for ur two cents if the reviewing admin see's any issues he will be more than happy to call it out, quit crying 🐒
well mr white knight, let me break it down to you he died to a rev the pov is in ur face and if u used ur brain u can't get a rev from orgs so yeah let the admin decide cause ur looking like a dumbass trying to be a fourms hero
u can possibly get me for entering the event while on duty but are u seriously going to start crying about that just to try getting me in trouble just because i killed you in the event its seriously never that serious.. what does my org uniform have to do with anything when we're in a ooc event...
BTW u are reporting them(incase u forgot) bc u got slapped up icly so u came ooc to try winning, but obviously the orgs that are being reported are gonna come on here and defend themselves. are u slow ? don't go on a public site crying then start bitching
“ no one ask you to explain and watch “ but then proceeds to go out his way to run to fourms with half an hour long pov of his failed hostage attempt 💀💀 keep crying skill issue
where is rdm on ur pov of 23030 killing you? if ur friend has any issues on his own pov have him post it i will be more than glad to post my full pov of his situation and I'm sure he wouldn't like that to well with all the ooc insults he was doing and still got arrested 💀
okay so, why would u pull out ur gun once u seen & heard shots? u pull out ur gun like ur ready to clap (had a vest on) with ur friends once shots go off but u shortly come to the realization that ur getting clapped so u put ur gun away to not lose it now ur claiming rdm on fourms ? thats crazy
put ur thread title to RuleBreak | ID or ur post will be rejected noones gonna care for ur sob story of trusting someone on the internet if u have incorrect format
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