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  1. Ben Dior

    Reviewed Family Gypavelli Mass rule break, Rdm | Mercy killing

    No one asked about your damn opinion you rdmed even when we were in civilian clothes, Hope you hit ur Call of duty 360 degree no scope headshot on us and put it on Youtube and then get fucked over what is the way the escape Combat log or just running into the interior like a bunch of 9 yr old kid!
  2. Ben Dior

    Reviewed Force Rp I FIB

    If you want to talk about this situation we have bodycam of your members FearRP! And why the hostage takers are pointing AK? Please disscus situations internally before coming to Forums.
  3. Ben Dior

    Approved CL | ID: 111859

  4. Ben Dior

    Approved MG,VDM | 75137

    Look at that An LEO Reject! Still to bad!
  5. Ben Dior

    Rejected POV Request|99222

    Hes an Admin assistant!
  6. Ben Dior

    Approved General Rule 6.13, GZ Rule 1.1, VDM, CL | 1386

    He wants to go on a vacation :D
  7. Ben Dior

    Rejected POV Request|99222

    Bruh :(
  8. Ben Dior

    Reviewed Taking Hostage from Green Zone, Non-RP Driving. | VAGOS

    Vagos Gang's name should be changed to OOC Gang!
  9. Ben Dior

    Approved rdm in green zone I id-89579,109442

    Just for reference lmao
  10. Ben Dior

    Approved rdm in green zone I id-89579,109442

    Y'all stay mad we have had even worst situation than this Watch from 4:40 timestamp But we are good at accepting fate rather than running to the forums 🙂
  11. Ben Dior

    Rejected Rdm city | 57713,| |115960| |138587|

    Doesn't matter if the audio is muted or not no one can hear demands from that far, you guys still lack in RP
  12. Ben Dior

    Rejected PG | 0000

    OMG! LSPD did something 😮
  13. Ben Dior

    Approved FIB Leader | Notix Haze

  14. Ben Dior

    Approved Application For Leader of the FIB | Rio Santiago

    Good luck Lang Buddha +1 Well experienced Applicant
  15. Ben Dior

    Approved Application for FIB Leader | Kenny Vis

    +1 for Kenny
  16. Ben Dior

    Rejected ID 11207 shooting in city, RDM

  17. Ben Dior

    Rejected Multiple Account Usage 116758 - 25402

    lol, now I heard it clearly, it's not the same person.
  18. Ben Dior

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1 + GR 1.4 | Bobby Margiela

    Please unban him it's a pretty silly reason to ban someone for 60days straight when he didn't even have more than 1 twink!
  19. Ben Dior

    Rejected RDM/NON-RP DEMANS | 14333 69986

    Where is the RDM from them 😂.
  20. Ben Dior

    Rejected DM AND FAIL RP | ID:93820, 93080

    Bro you don't even know what your ID is!
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