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Search results

  1. S

    Rejected Ban for GR 6.22 | Fstoq DeArcy

    Hello, I apologize for stealing from my family and if you can see this, I haven't played in en3 for a long time and I want to come back to play in en3 and I apologize, I wish you accept me. i apologize and i will not do it again i need you to forgive me and i accept everything money and cars deleted
  2. S

    Rejected Ban for GR 1.1+1.4 | Chanush Movva

    I got banned for GR 1.1+1.4 when, and Im aware of my mistake and very sorry for breaking that important server rule. I wasnt having knowledge on the server rules I broke this rule please forgive me and give me another chance. I got many friends on the server and I really enjoy playing here with...
  3. S

    Rejected Regras dos Eventos 1.7 | Henrique Silva

  4. S

    Approved Bug a buse Santana family

    28129 28130 Há mais 2 pessoas na região, quero ver o seu ponto de vista independentemente delas. e essas 2 pessoas são a sua conta twink
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    Approved Bug a buse Santana family

    como se pode ver , eles fazem f1 no evento para o contador aumentar , e depois logam com a twink e entram no evento tambem o que faz com que consigam estar "4 membros" no evento , mas realmente só estão dois..
  6. S

    Rejected Bug a Buse 28129

    Bug a Buse
  7. S

    Reviewed Unban Appeal R.G 1.8 | Jah Carey

    Prezados administradores, Lamento profundamente não ter respeitado as regras, mas não prestei atenção à regra que proíbe a transferência de dinheiro de uma conta para outra. Lamento sinceramente e gostaria de entender melhor e prestar atenção às regras. Você pode me perdoar por desta vez isso...
  8. S

    Reviewed Unban appeal G.R 1.8 | Vansh Kumar

    Dear administrators, I am deeply sorry to have not respected the rules.but I had not paid attention to the rule which prohibits transferring money from one account to another. I am sincerely sorry, and I would make sure to understand better and pay attention to the rules. Can you forgive me for...
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    Rejected Unban appeal G.R 1.8 | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear administrators, I am deeply sorry to have not respected the rules.but I had not paid attention to the rule which prohibits transferring money from one account to another. I am sincerely sorry, and I would make sure to understand better and pay attention to the rules. Can you forgive me for...
  10. S

    Rejected Gen rules 1.8 | Lebron Pluxury

    Dear administrators, I am deeply sorry to have not respected the rules.but I had not paid attention to the rule which prohibits transferring money from one account to another. I am sincerely sorry, and I would make sure to understand better and pay attention to the rules. Can you forgive me for...
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    Rejected Ban For GR 6.22 | Fstoq

    i just took 50k items by accident it was 200 days ago im really sorry i was new beginning i didn't know the rules sorry for my big mistake if its possible wipe my account
  12. S

    Reviewed pov req | 36150

    My pov
  13. S

    Reviewed POV Request | 36150

    My Pov
  14. S

    Rejected mass rule break | zeoncrew family

    318859 104105 136474 Rdm /i m banned for insult
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