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Search results

  1. L

    Rejected Wrong Decision | Lazer White

    I got warning for RDM, meanwhile we were shooting this guy's friends after demands and stuff, this guy appears with heli, we know that he is with Sinners and also he is witness at the same time. We illegally murdered people so how is it logical to leave a witness alive? i think it's not. also in...
  2. L

    Rejected OOC Insult via messages and Wrong decision on forum | Donte Shepard / James Pluxury

    Dear Mazhor, your administrators make everything bad for loyal and old players. I got banned for completely nothing, first of all phone is IC thing i insulted guy in phone. second, even if it was OOC i didn't say anything that could led me to 7 day ban even i've never been banned for toxicity or...
  3. L

    Rejected OOC Insult via message | Donte Shepard

    I'm blocked for OOC insult via message, while messages are IC. Guy that i was messaging with started mixing after i called him low iq in IC, Phone is IC thing soo i don't feel that punishment is correct. I was angry that time because they tried to bait, kill and rob me. Then we had some sort of...
  4. L

    Reviewed Possible cheats & Pov Request | 9354

    A lot of dsyncs happen and also no cheat exists that can make you disappear it needs source any kind of, on GRP no gun deals 100 Here dear administrator stated it: Reviewed - Pov request | 91748 also he made admin complaint for that but highest level admin says it was correct: Rejected - Shan...
  5. L

    Reviewed cheater | 309031

    100% Cheat, i confirm that as a cheat hunter
  6. L

    Reviewed POV Request | 000000

    I kinda agree with you but Wests aren't cheating trust me, we are winning events as losing them. If we are cheating why don't we just win every bizwar? we would like to have +60pts everyday and 30 from Rating (total 90). our turfers have most spheres. Why? because they cheat?? No it's skill...
  7. L

    Rejected Discord Ban Appeal | Discord Mods

    I'm truly sorry for what i did, more than year passed from my Discord ban, i'm asking to get unbanned on Discord. Please i won't break rules of comms. Best Regards.
  8. L

    Approved rdm | id 139758, 139763, 136895

    Hahaaaa, If are watching this, enjoy warnings.
  9. L

    Approved CL | 118281

    It's very clear that he left.
  10. L

    Approved POSSIBLE ILLEGAL REDUX | ID 129020

    They are called FPS Boosters not redux, but no FPS booster exists that deletes that thing on roof. It could be a D-Sync, wait for POV.
  11. L

    Approved Vdm | 31196

    It's VDM i got demorganed for VDM in Gz for the same situation little damage but still.
  12. L

    Approved Mass RDM at Green zone | 106724 , 113789

    Give them warnings.
  13. L

    Rejected Hacker in Driver License

    Fix Name: Cheating | 145319 Admins accept this report it's cheat.
  14. L

    Approved Requesting pov ID 57713

    Could be D-Sync but wait his footage.
  15. L

    Approved Refuse RP CL | ID: 43186

    Give him warning, there is pretty clear that he left server.
  16. L

    Rejected Demorgan for VDM | Kareem Miller

    i dont say i was car ramming i hit 1 person with little speed he didnt die could be RP situation here with police/compensation from me to hit or court of law but demorgan is killing it all, every RP situation is destroyed by demorgan.
  17. L

    Rejected Demorgan for VDM | Kareem Miller

    i hit person with car max 1% damage and it could be RP'ed out no need of demorgan. stop killing RP processes and give us more RP situation stop demorganing everyone everytime for everything. i don't have POV administrator must have ask him.
  18. L

    Reviewed HACK - 130704

    Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh.... man got RPG-7 get down :D
  19. L

    Approved FearRP, Metagaming, Mercy Killing, Disregarding life | LSPD

    1) 100K Id XD , you are 90K ID its almost same, 2) wanna see my 4373 ID acc? and 3) i've been admin on Hard RP Georgian servers not like this semi-rp server and looting with gun in hand is PG cuz your character cant be able to take gun and ammo and carry 1 gun in hand at the same time. also...
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