Upon reviewing the evidence, I have decided to Accept this report
ID 164 will receive a punishment for General Rule 3.1
Insulting of the person (OOC) is strictly prohibited
ID 13313 will receive a punishment for Provoking
Upon reviewing the evidence i cannot conclude this report
Incorrect Format title does not have the correct date and time
You have 6 hours to Fix the date of violation
Upon reviewing the evidence I've decided to Deny the report
This is not a racist insult, he is not saying it to you either he is calling himself it
Although ID 57472 will be punished for FL in Club Chat
Upon reviewing the evidence I've decided to Accept this report ID 29178 and 70587
will receive a punishment for General Rule 6.8
The disrespectful animation you did is a peace sign on his body and taking a picture next to his dead body
Upon reviewing the evidence i have decided to Accept this report ID 44131, 36572, 34175 will receive a punishment for Event Rule 1.3
It is forbidden to enter event area before the event starts.
ID 68743 will recive a punishment for Event Rule 1.7 and 1.3
All participants of all events under...
Upon reviewing the evidence I've decided to Deny this report
There is no rule regarding running to city you can still chase him
Although 48850 will receive a punishment for VDM and CR
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