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  1. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected MG + DM + Insults + Toxicity | 62

    I don't know why you interfere at all We all know that you are a good friend with opium you can just let the admins decide
  2. Suljo Sukic

    Reviewed Godmode | ID 51479

    literally nothing is shown
  3. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Bug Abusing | 19244 | 5662

    (I had to put this in two parts because he had some private instagram conversation)
  4. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Bug Abusing | 19244 | 5662

    As you can see in Pov they joined cicrcle twice in one raid which is bug abusing This is pov of my friend for this ID 5662 Part 1 Part 2
  5. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Bug Abuse | ID 19244

    As you can see in video he joined circle twice which is bug abusing And this is pov from my friend (sorry I had to post it in 2 parts) 1st part 2nd part
  6. Suljo Sukic

    Reviewed RDM | ID 59459

    As you can see in video he was trying to kill us but he didn t becouse I had to kill him before he kills me I was just defending myself
  7. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Killing before raid | Redrum

    Hahahahahahahaha if you didn t know that house is in ghetto so they can kill you before raid and after raid
  8. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Parents I ID 8211

    this is his chat with me he threatened Nixa and me he said how he would find us and how he would come to our door AND THIS IS CHAT BUT JUST TRANSLATED come on don't get lost AMERONI your eyesight will be lost when I come to your city ISHAK now we'll see where the mujo is ISHAK I don't need...
  9. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Parents I ID 8211

    Rules of communication 3.1 Insulting of the person (OOC) is strictly prohibited |Mute 180 minutes or ban up to 7 days. You did that just with swearing Allah and God 3.3 All players must be able to communicate in English and IC chat must be English only. You did that in bloods chat and you got...
  10. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Parents I ID 8211

    You really think that you didn t do anything wrong
  11. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Parents I ID 8211

    first of all i am part of that religion and also part of that family and i saw the messages you wrote and of course i will feel offended because it is not ok if you want to punish Mujo you need to punish that guy becouse its really not okey
  12. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Parents I ID 8211

    if swearing at religion is not the rule then swearing at parents cannot be either
  13. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Swearing Religion | 59459

    The only thing funny here is you and your behavior
  14. Suljo Sukic

    Appreciation to administrators

    1. Your nickname:Suljo Suave 2. The administrator's nickname: Abraham ElKhabib 3. The essence of gratitude (claims): A good guy always does the best events one of the best admins and the nicest admin really funny and calm dude
  15. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Shooting before raid | 1236

    stop being a toxic and people won't call you russian cry
  16. Suljo Sukic

    Approved Dm in City | 65514

    And this is the Pov of my friends https://streamable.com/o1sr3t Grand Theft Auto V 2021.09.04 -
  17. Suljo Sukic

    Approved Dm in City | 65514

    As you can see in my POV that guy was just going to the back of our family house and then he started shooting us for no reason
  18. Suljo Sukic

    Rejected Dm in City | 65514

    As you can see in POV that guy was just going to the back of our family house and then he started shooting us for no reason
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