i will make the from to the guys who will give me ub demand as you see who will demand and who kill and also i am going from that location . but they was not shop shooting to me . and the administrators is there friend that why he dont take right desition and ban to me . because i make the...
We are robbing some guys in gettho . Then we we rob him the blood gang kick me from ORG and say that we got one more people just rob him .
as you see in pov
I am saying that if they dont find any one they will kick from the gang and rob him
If they do with me . then they also do...
I am not doing any type of cr and rp is going on thn i am enter . there is no rule break from me . but you take me in jail see in pov
i am not in the car i am shoting that guys
i am going to fam house but on gettho some guys doing cr on my car then i am driving so fast then do and cr to my car when i am out off gettho they am on me and kill me
as you see in pov
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