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Search results

  1. adonix

    Rejected Vurdurur I Unofficial Organization

    Family: Fallen Leader Name: Ado Patlatir I 81171 Family House Number: 446 Leader's Discord: adonix#0492 Leader Forum: adonix Family Logo: HISTORY OF THE FAMILY The Fallen family had always been a small-time criminal operation, involved in petty theft and illegal gambling. But when a rival gang...
  2. adonix

    Reviewed Possible Cheat, Pov Request | 102433

    damn that looks like an illegal drug :censored:
  3. adonix

    Rejected Fallen I Unofficial Organization

    Family: Fallen Leader Name: Ado Patlatir I 81171 Family House Number: 446 Leader's Discord: adonix#0492 Leader Forum: adonix Family Logo: HISTORY OF THE FAMILY The Fallen family had always been a small-time criminal operation, involved in petty theft and illegal gambling. But when a rival...
  4. adonix

    Rejected Possible Illegal Redux | ID : 85402

    he already posted his pov
  5. adonix

    Rejected Possible Illegal Redux | ID : 85402

    What is he supposed to fix?
  6. adonix

    Reviewed POV REQUEST / 54455

    Ravkan brothers double şekli
  7. adonix

    Approved VDM | ID 78157

    beyler nolur ben artık toxiclik istemiyorum ben de size yapmicam -anil sikon
  8. adonix

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    yh people can idk check his last activity in server
  9. adonix

    Reviewed pov request | 0000

    he slept before the forum and have not woke up yet give him more time and he will show you the pov
  10. adonix

    Reviewed Posible cheat | Id: 54453

    I have POV's for every event that you keep crouching in the bushes or either walls for 10 mins straight. Top 16 families knows that this is your gamestyle and every body will check bushes cause of how dumb you are and you still think that people are cheating cause they are also way out of your...
  11. adonix

    Reviewed Posible cheat | Id: 54453

    It is basically you guys are the worst family ever never do teamwork, only hide in bushes or inside containers and complains about dying plus getting clapped in every section of the game and then starting to cry. You will understand how bad are you in family war tomorrow. Instead of playing like...
  12. adonix

    Approved RDM I 36122

  13. adonix

    Approved RDM I 36122

  14. adonix

    Approved RDM I 36122

    There was a private conversation between me and my friends. I want to share my POV with privacy. Also sorry for late response, time zone makes it difficult.
  15. adonix

    Approved RDM I 36122

    I accidentally clicked twice to capture last 2 minutes that's why my POV splitted up. was talking with my friends and got rdm plus mk. rdm : mk :
  16. adonix

    Rejected Mass Rule Break/ Fallen Family / 54455 78150 54560 57914 54883 100000 81171 48955 15747

    çıkılmaza çıkıp coverda q bas kanka sen çok gülmeye hakkın yok aldığın aim fight yok serverda :cry:
  17. adonix

    Rejected Mass Rule Break/ Fallen Family / 54455 78150 54560 57914 54883 100000 81171 48955 15747

    Yumruklanarak ölmüşsün bir de gidip forum açmışsın 60 dakika yatıp çıkıyoruz ne utanmaz adamsın amk
  18. adonix

    Reviewed RDM | ID's 54560 + 49326

    81171 ateş etmiş mi gariban
  19. adonix

    Approved Event Rule 1.2 | Katman FAMILY

    Admin logunda gözükmediğini sanan yaren
  20. adonix

    Approved Event Rule 1.3 I Katman Crew

    Adonis Carter olarak foruma review atıyorum.
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